Summary of a speech therapy session on the correction of acoustic dysgraphia. Program by Mazanova E.V. on overcoming dysgraphia. III. The final stage of work

Mazanova E.V.

lessons for speech therapists / E.V. Mazanova. - 2nd ed., rev. ■- M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2007. - 184 p.

Lesson topic

The content of the work

Number of hours

1 /. Preparatorystagework|


Development of auditory and visual attention and perception

Development articulatory motor skills. Clarifying the articulation of mixed sounds. Games for auditory and visual attention and perception, for the development of memory and logical thinking




Introducing sounds (speech and non-speech). Differentiation of speech and non-speech sounds



Vowels and consonants

Vowels and consonants. Differentiation of vowels and consonants. Introducing symbols and “supports” to indicate sounds in writing


//. Basicstagework


Differentiation of vowels A - Z, U - Yu, 0 - E, Y - I, E - E

Vowel letters Ya, Yu, B, Yo, I. Differentiation of vowel sounds and letters. Choosing vowels to indicate softness in writing



Differentiation of vowels A - Z

Vowel letter Y. Indication of the softness of consonants in writing using the vowel letter Y. Differentiation of vowel letters A - Z in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and in text



Differentiation of vowels U - Yu

The vowel letter Y. Indication of the softness of consonants in writing using the vowel letter Y. Differentiation of the vowel letters U - Y in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text


Subject classes

Content work

Number- in hours


Vowel differentiation 0 - Ё

Vowel letter E. Indication of the softness of consonants in writing using the vowel letter E. Differentiation of vowel letters 0 - E in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text



Differentiation of vowels Y - I

Vowel letter I. Indication of the softness of consonants in writing using the vowel letter I. Differentiation of vowel letters Y - I in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text



Differentiation of vowels E - E

Vowel letter E. Indication of the softness of consonants in writing using the vowel letter E. Differentiation of vowel letters E - E in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text



Soft sign

Soft sign. Correlation soft sign with a symbol and a “support” for designation in writing. Familiarization with the scheme of a word where there is a soft sign. Indicating the softness of consonants using a soft sign. Soft sign in the division function. Soft sign differentiation in softening and separation functions



Voiced and voiceless consonants

Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation of syllables and words with voiced and voiceless consonants. Correlating consonant sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Development phonemic awareness, attention, analysis and synthesis



Sounds B - B", P - P"

Sounds B - B", P - GG. Differentiation of sounds in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Work with


Lesson topic

The content of the work

Number of hours J

paronymous words. Development of phonemic perception, attention, analysis and synthesis


Sounds V - V", F - F"

Sounds V - V", F - F". Differentiation of sounds V - V", F - F" in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Working with paronymous words. Development of phonemic awareness, attention, analysis and synthesis



Sounds G G, K K", X - X"

Sounds G G, K K". Differentiation of sounds G - G, K - K", X - X" in isolation, syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Work with paronymic words. Development of phonemic perception, attention, analysis and synthesis.



Sounds D - D", 1 -G

Sounds D - D", T - "1". Differentiation of sounds D - D", T - V isolated, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Working with paronymous words. Development of phonemic perception, attention, analysis and synthesis



Sounds 3 - 3", C - C

Sounds 3 3", C - C. Differentiation of sounds in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Working with paronymous words. Development of phonemic perception, attention, analysis and synthesis


I No.

Lesson topic

The content of the work

Number of hours


Sounds Zh - Sh

Sounds Zh - Sh. Differentiation of sounds Zh - Sh in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Working with paronymous words. Development of phonemic perception, attention, analysis and synthesis



Labialized glass. Sounds 0 - U

Consolidating knowledge about vowel sounds 0, U. Correlating sounds with symbols and letters. Comparative characteristics of sounds. Differentiation of sounds in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences. Development visual perception, auditory memory, attention and coordination of movements



Labialized vowels. Letters E - Yu

Letters E - Yu. Correlation of letters with symbols. Differentiation of vowel letters Yo - Yu in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences. Skill Development sound-letter analysis and synthesis



Differentiation of sonors. Sounds R - R "-L-L"

Sounds R - R", L - L". Differentiation of sounds R - R", L - L" in syllables, words, phrases and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Working with paronymous words. Development of phonemic perception, attention, analysis and synthesis



Sounds L - L" - Y

Sounds Y, L - L." Differentiation of sounds Y, L - L" in syllables, words, phrases and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Working with paronymous words. Development of phonemic perception, attention, analysis and synthesis


Lesson topic

The content of the work

Number of hours


Differentiation of whistling and hissing sounds

Consolidating knowledge about whistling and hissing sounds. Introducing the concepts of “complex” and “simple” sounds. Differentiation of whistling and hissing sounds. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing



Sounds S - S, Sh

Sounds S - S, Sh. Differentiation of sounds S - S, Sh in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Working with paronymous words. Development of phonemic perception, attention, analysis and synthesis



Sounds 3 - 3", F

Sounds 3 - 3", Zh. Differentiation of sounds 3 - 3", Zh in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Working with paronymous words. Development of phonemic perception, attention, analysis and synthesis



Sounds S - S, C

Sounds S - S, Ts. Differentiation of sounds S - S, Ts in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Working with paronymous words. Development of phonemic perception, attention, analysis and synthesis



Sounds of TS - Ts (at the discretion ofspeech therapist)

Introducing the sounds TS-Ts. Differentiation of sounds Ts-TS in syllables, words, phrases and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation on


Lesson topic

Content work

Number- in I hours j

letter. Development of phonemic perception, hearing, attention, analysis and synthesis


Sounds Ch - Shch

Sounds Ch - Shch. Differentiation of sounds Ch - Shch in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases and sentences. Correlating the sounds of the lesson with symbols and “supports” for designation in writing. Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis




Sounds t b - Ch. Differentiation of sounds CH - T in syllables, words, phrases and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Working with paronymous words. Development of phonemic perception, attention, analysis and synthesis



Sounds Ch - Sh

Sounds Ch - Sh. Differentiation of sounds Ch - Sh in syllables, words, phrases and text. Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Development of auditory differentiation



Sounds Ch - C (ondiscretionspeech therapist)

Sounds Ch - Ts. Differentiation of sounds Ts - Ch in syllables, words, phrases and text Correlating sounds with symbols and “supports” for their designation in writing. Working with paronymous words. Development of phonemic perception, attention, analysis and synthesis


Work at the level of syllable, word, phrase, sentence and text is carried out at the main stage of work during the differentiation of oppositional pairs of sounds

///. Finalstage


Development of coherence I In correctional work, various types of texts are used: description, narration, reasoning, | presentation, essay..!






Red circle to indicate vowel sound


Circle to indicate iotated vowels after ь and ъ, after a vowel and at the beginning of a word (green + red)


Green circle to indicate a soft consonant


The green bell is a symbol to indicate a voiced soft consonant; there is a green, open circle on the letter

(h) (h)

Green headphones are a symbol to indicate a voiceless soft consonant; on the letter there is a green filled circle


Circle of blue color to indicate a hard consonant


A blue bell is a symbol to indicate a voiced hard consonant; there is a blue open circle on the letter


Blue headphones are a symbol for denoting a voiceless hard consonant; on

Fragment from the book.
Main tasks and directions of work of the preparatory stage.

2. Development of auditory differentiation.
3. Development of phonemic awareness.
4. Clarification of the articulation of sounds in auditory and pronunciation terms. If necessary, sound pronunciation is corrected.

Main tasks and directions of work of the main stage.
1. Development of auditory and visual attention.
2. Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis.
3. Development of auditory differentiation (differentiation of oppositional sounds is carried out at the level of syllable, word, phrase, sentence and text).

Topic: Differentiation of sounds Ch - Sh.
Goals and objectives: to introduce children to the sounds Ch - Sh; teach children to give comparative characteristics sounds being studied; learn to differentiate the sounds Ch - Sh in syllables, words, sentences and text, correlate sounds with letters and symbols, work with related words; develop skills in phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis, working with paronymous words; teach to build logically correct sentences; practice retelling and answering questions about the text; develop logical thinking.
Equipment: letters Ch - Sh (written on the board); subject pictures depicting Cheburashka and the old woman Shapoklyak; chips of two colors with the letters Ch - Sh; cards in the form of traces with homophone words written on them.

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Download the book CORRECTION OF ACOUSTIC DYSGRAPHIA, Lesson notes for speech therapists, Mazanova E.V., 2007 -, fast and free download.

  • School speech center, Documentation, planning and organization of correctional work, Mazanova E.V., 2009
  • Home speech therapist, Complete reference book, Abramovich O.D., Artapukhina O.Yu., Astafieva O.P., 2007
  • Speech therapy, optical dysgraphia, Set of notebooks on corrective speech therapy work with children with developmental disabilities, notebook No. 5, Mazanova E.V., 2004

The problem of studying and correcting specific disorders writing(dysgraphia and dyslexia) in children and is currently one of the most pressing tasks of speech therapy. Every year in primary school the number of children with various types dysgraphia. Based on the mechanisms of each type of dysgraphia, the authors who devoted their research to this area of ​​speech therapy (R.I. Lalaeva, V.A. Kovshikov, I.N. Sadovnikova, I.N. Efimenkova, G.G. Misarenko, A.N. Kornev, etc.). offer various techniques correctional work.

A set of manuals designed for working with children with optical dysgraphia is offered to the attention of specialists. The kit includes guidelines, notes from frontal correctional classes and two individual workbooks for the child to complete tasks. These manuals are systematized by the author practical material and compiled taking into account methodological requirements.

In the optical form of dysgraphia, children experience disturbances in visual perception, analysis and synthesis, as well as motor coordination, inaccurate ideas about shape and color, the size of an object, underdevelopment of memory, spatial perception and ideas, difficulties in optical-spatial analysis, and unformed optical image of a letter. Mixing letters based on kinetic and optical similarity should not be mistaken for ordinary “misprints,” since they are not related to either pronunciation or spelling rules. Such errors can lead to a decrease in the quality of not only writing, but also reading. A child’s writing impairment is persistently systemic, so correctional work should be aimed at the speech system as a whole, and not just at eliminating an isolated defect. The use of manual materials in work will allow the teacher-speech therapist to carry out effective correctional work throughout the year and will help track the dynamics of the state of the child’s written speech.

BBK 74.3 M12


M12 CORRECTION OF OPTICAL DISGRAPHY I. Lesson notes with younger schoolchildren/ E.V. Mazanova. - M.: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2006. - 88 p.

ISBN 5-296-00683-6

We offer specialists a set of manuals designed for working with children with optical dysgraphia. It includes methodological recommendations, notes on frontal correction classes and two individual workbooks for performing various tasks child. These manuals represent systematic practical material and are compiled taking into account methodological requirements.

The set of manuals is intended for speech therapists of mass and correctional schools, students of defectology faculties, parents, teachers correctional classes. For propaedeutic purposes, it can be used by speech therapists in kindergartens and teachers of correctional groups.


Lesson notes for speech therapists

Samara region

Moscow 2006


The problem of studying and correcting specific disorders of written speech (dysgraphia and dyslexia) in children is still one of the most pressing problems in speech therapy. Every year in primary school the number of children with various types of dysgraphia increases. Based on the mechanisms of each type of dysgraphia, the authors who devoted their research to this area of ​​speech therapy (R.I. Lalaeva, V.A. Kovshikov, I.N. Sadovnikova, I.N. Efimenkova, G.G. Misarenko, A.N. Kornev, etc.). They offer various methods of correction work.

A set of manuals designed for working with children with optical dysgraphia is offered to the attention of specialists. The kit includes methodological recommendations, notes from frontal correction classes and two individual workbooks for the child to complete tasks. These manuals represent practical material systematized by the author and are compiled taking into account methodological requirements.

In the optical form of dysgraphia, children experience disturbances in visual perception, analysis and synthesis, as well as motor coordination, inaccurate ideas about shape and color, the size of an object, underdevelopment of memory, spatial perception and ideas, difficulties in optical-spatial analysis, and unformed optical image of a letter. Mixing letters based on kinetic and optical similarity should not be mistaken for ordinary “misprints,” since they are not related to either pronunciation or spelling rules. Such errors can lead to a decrease in the quality of not only writing, but also reading. A child’s writing impairment is persistently systemic, so correctional work should be aimed at the speech system as a whole, and not just at eliminating an isolated defect. The use of manual materials in work will allow the speech therapist to carry out effective correctional work throughout the year and will help to track. dynamics of the state of the child’s written speech.

To carry out effective correctional work with children with optical dysgraphia, the speech therapist needs to take into account the early timing of the start of correctional work, the complexity of measures aimed at overcoming specific errors, and promptly involve parents in completing homework. After a comprehensive examination, a series of special correctional classes is carried out, and in parallel, work is carried out on individual notebooks. When eliminating specific violations of written speech in a child, it is necessary:

  1. Clarify and expand the volume of visual memory.

  2. Form and develop visual perception and ideas.

  3. Develop visual analysis and synthesis.

  4. Develop hand-eye coordination.

  5. Form speech means that reflect visual-spatial relationships.

  6. Learn to differentiate letters mixed according to optical characteristics.
To better assimilate the image of letters, the child is traditionally offered:

Feel, cut, sculpt them from plasticine, trace

along a contour, write in the air, determine the similarities and differences between optically similar letters, etc. (R.I. Lalaeva);

Construct and reconstruct letters from elements

(V. A. Kovshikov);

  • a series of exercises to develop visual, visuospatial perception, memory and analysis of objects and geometric figures;

  • differentiate letters that are similar in style in writing exercises.
Corrective work is carried out in four stages.

1st stage.Organizational. Goals and objectives

  1. Conducting an initial examination.

  2. Preparation of documentation and work planning.
4 Guidelines

3. Communication of survey results to all participants pedagogical process(for joint correctional work). Work at this stage is carried out from September 1 to 15. On

This stage of work includes conversations, examination

(primary and in-depth), speeches at parent

meetings, etc.

2ndstage. Preparatory. Goals and objectives

1. Development in children of visual perception and recognition of objects.

Development of visual gnosis:

a) development of color perception;

b) development of shape perception;

c) development of perception of size and magnitude.

Development of letter gnosis:

a) development of perception of the color of letters;

b) development of perception of shape, size and size of objects and letters;

c) differentiation of the arrangement of letter elements.

  1. Development of visual analysis and synthesis.

  2. Clarification and expansion of the volume of visual memory (visual mnesis):
a) development of memorization of the shape of objects;

b) development of color memory;

c) development of memorization of the sequence and number of letters and objects (first we work on the development of visual memory, looking at objects, then - geometric figures and only then - letters).

4. Formation of spatial perception and ideas:

a) orientation in the diagram of one’s own body;

b) differentiation of the right and left parts of the object;

c) orientation in the surrounding space.

  1. Formation speech means, reflecting visual-spatial relationships.

  2. Development of hand-eye coordination.
Guidelines 5

Work at this stage is carried out at the beginning of training. At this stage of work, it is planned to conduct conversations, frontal and individual lessons by album 1.

3rdstage.Basic. Goals and objectives

  1. Strengthening the connections between the pronunciation of a sound and its graphic image on the letter.

  2. Automation of mixed and interchangeable letters.

  3. Differentiation of mixed and interchangeable letters.
- Differentiation of vowels:

a) in isolation (writing);

b) in syllables and words;

c) in phrases;

d) in sentences and text.

Differentiation of vowels and consonants:

a) in isolation;

b) in syllables and words;

c) in phrases;

d) in sentences and text.

Consonant differentiation:

a) in isolation;

b) in syllables and words;

c) in a phrase;

d) in sentences and text.

Work at this stage is carried out throughout the entire training period. At this stage of work, it is planned to conduct frontal and individual lessons on albums 1-2.

4thstage.Final. Goals and objectives

  1. Consolidation of acquired skills.

  2. Transfer of acquired knowledge to other activities.
Work at this stage is carried out at the end of training.

For the convenience of the teacher, all the most frequently mixed pairs of letters are presented in the table.


Subject: Letter differentiation o - a .

Tasks: teach children to compare letters o - a by design; consolidate knowledge about the spelling of these letters in syllables and words; teach differentiation of letters o - A in syllables and words; develop optical-spatial concepts; introduce children to paronymous words; develop vocabulary.

Equipment: letters o-ah(On the desk); tables of letters (on the board); word models; crossword; cards for individual work- “Notes”, album 2.


I. Organizational moment

1. Introduction to tables.

Speech therapist: Look at the tables of letters (posted on the board) and find letters that are similar in style. Write them down in pairs.

2. Comparison of letters that are similar in style.

The speech therapist invites the children (one at a time) to name the written pairs of letters and compare them with each other.

Differentiation of letters "o - a" 9

II. Main part of the lesson

1 . Comparison of letters that are similar in style (task 1. p. 3*). Introducing a couple of letters O - A . Record the topic of the lesson. Listening to a fairy tale about the letters of the sisters. Speech therapist: Listen to the story about the sister letters.

“Once upon a time there were two sister letters (the speech therapist puts a stylized image of letters on the boardO - A ). The sisters were very similar. In order not to confuse her daughters, the mother braided the hair of one daughter, while the other had short hair. The sister letters were inseparable: in some words they did not want to part at all and stood side by side. That's how they lived. Over time, people learned to distinguish between them - when they saw the sisters from afar, they shouted: “Look, this is the letter A - little sister with a pigtail, here comes the letter O- without a pigtail.”

2. Comparison of elements and whole letters o-a

(tasks 2. 3. p. 3).

Letter A - consists of two elements, the letter o is made of one oval. Comparison of sound articulation o-a. When pronouncing a sound A - the mouth opens wide, when pronouncing o - the mouth resembles an oval shape. Correlating sounds with letters and symbols for designation in writing.

Speech therapist: Consider geometric shapes-symbols (task 2, p. 3), located next to the letters o-a. Think and tell me which figure is more convenient to indicate a letter on a letter A, and which one is the letter O? What color are the shapes and why? (red oval for letter o, red triangle for a).

Connect the letter elements to make letters o - a (task 3, p. 3). Write down these letters element by element.

3.Development of phonemic awareness (exercise"Notes")

Speech therapist: Look at the cards. Name the notes. Write down only those whose names contain the letters o - A.

10 Lesson notes for correction of optical dysgraphia

4. Differentiation of letters o-a in words (task 5, p. 4).

Speech therapist: Look at the flowers: they contain words with missing letters o - a. Guide each bee to its flower. Read the words. Indicate the presence of letters o - A in words using symbols. Explain the meaning of the words: regiment, slag.

  1. Work at the word level.
Exercise “Entertaining Models”.

Speech therapist: Look at word patterns. Substitute the consonant letters suggested below (one at a time) in the first place on the left, and in the second place - first the letter A, then o. Read the words received. Write them down. With what letters did you make two words? Which ones are the same?

6.Working with paronymous words.

Speech therapist: Name only those words from the previous task from which you can make pairs (kidney - pack, daughter - dacha, dot - wheelbarrow, hummock - pitching, ox - shaft, dol - dal).

Compare the words in each pair by spelling, meaning and sound.

7.Development of logical thinking.

Speech therapist: Guess the words of the crossword puzzle and write down the names of the funny people.

  1. This cheerful little man draws well, his nose helps him in this.

  1. This cheerful little man knows nothing.
8. This cheerful little man is made of wood, he loves dad, but doesn’t want to go to school.

Differentiation of letters "o - a" 11

  1. This cheerful little man makes people laugh in the square. This is the favorite doll of artists.

  2. This little girl flew away with a swallow to warmer lands.

  3. This little man is a great master and inventor. He has springs instead of arms and legs, and a light bulb instead of a nose.

Answers: Pencil, Dunno, Pinocchio, Parsley, Thumbelina, Samodelkin.

III. Lesson summary

Speech therapist: Remember how the letters are similar O - A ? Give examples of words in which these letters are written. (The speech therapist helps you choose words where these letters are written in a strong position.)

Subject: Letter differentiation O - A in phrases, sentences and text.

Tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about letters o - a ; teach children to differentiate the letters they are learning in phrases, sentences and text; teach children skills syllabic analysis and synthesis; develop in children the ability to coordinate words in sentences and phrases; train in language and sound analysis; develop visual perception.

Equipment: demo letters O - A On the desk; letter sets O - A and symbols for designating the letters being studied in writing (for each child); models of words on a card

12 Lesson notes for correction of optical dysgraphia

points; cards with phrases for individual work; writing a poem (on the board); album 2.
I. Organizational moment

1. Consolidation of knowledge about the letters being studied O- A.

Speech therapist: From the elements (details) of letters that lie in

you on the table, collect the letters a, oh. Remember and name the words for each letter.

2.Write letters o - a.

The speech therapist invites children to remember the external similarities and differences of these letters, the designation on the letter.

II. Main part of the lesson

1.Development of phonemic perception and syllabic analysis.

Speech therapist: Listen to the words and write down the stressed syllable of each word. Highlight the letters in these syllables o - a.

Words: finger, marmot, cooks, crumbs, night, winter, cup, stamps, mink, milk, spring.

  1. Development of skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis. Speech therapist: Read the syllables and make words from them. Syllables: PA, ROK, KO, MAR, KA, ROM, MA, KAR, U.Example words: lesson, mosquito...

  2. Differentiation of letters o-a in words. Working with paronymous words.
Speech therapist: Read the words based on the schematic representation of the letters.

4.Development of visual memory.

Speech therapist: Name the pairs of words from the previous task. Explain the meaning of all words. Write down only those that are new to you.

Pairs of words: became - table, himself - catfish, briefly - meekly, kidney - pack, shelves - sticks, ox - shaft.

5. Physical exercise.

Children perform movements according to the instructions of the speech therapist.

6.Development of visual perception and motor coordination (task 4. p. 3).

Speech therapist: Consider the clouds from which it is raining letters. Draw paths from each letter to a word and read the resulting words. Which cloud hides two words? What words are these?

7. Development of the skill of agreeing words (task 6. p.4). Speech therapist: Fill in the missing letters o - A And

read the words. Make up word combinations from words from groups 1 and 2. Write down the phrases. Highlight letters o - a.



8. Work at the sentence level (task 7. With. 4-5). Speech therapist: Encrypt the sentences using letters O - A according to the sample.

Sample. Soon the fairy tale will tell.

O – O A – A A – A – A.

Asters will bloom in the fall.

Smooth asphalt makes people happy.

The nightingale fell silent in the thicket of the forest.

The lamp went out suddenly.

The old boat sank to the bottom.

14 Lesson notes for correction of optical dysgraphia

9. Differentiation of lesson letters at level three hundred (task 8. p. 5).

Speech therapist: Insert letters O- A into words and read the text. Write the text by highlighting the letters O- A and marking them with the appropriate symbols.

T_m k_tik mouthy And l_bud k_tik

P_ rambles wildly, His holy r_tik knows how,

And the horned k_zlik And the gray-haired k_zlik

Behind the k_tik h_dit. The beard is shaking.
III. Lesson summary

Speech therapist: Name the words with the letter first from the poem A, and then with the letter o.