High school in Israel. What surprised me about the Israeli school. Private religious schools

My mom works at Russian school for 30 years already. I know how this system works firsthand - I grew up in a school atmosphere. As a child, I knew everything that was happening in the teachers' lounge, and at the university all conversations with my mother came down to conversations about school.

We have been living in Israel for several years now, and my eldest daughter is already in second grade. I will try to tell you what most impressed my still quite Russian mentality in the Israeli school education system.

1. Gan howa (compulsory) kindergarten) we had at school. According to Israeli law, all children from the age of 5 are required to go to Gan Hova. In our case, this kindergarten was not just in the school building, but in the wing where first-graders studied. During breaks, they played, drew or walked together.

2. At the age of 6 we went to first grade. The teacher who was in the kindergarten became our first teacher, and during breaks the first-graders played with the new children from the Gan Khova kindergarten.

3. I would like to note that the concept of “1st class” in Israel is understood as the “first parallel”, and academic year are numbered by letters. Thus, 1st grade in Israel will be kita aleph, 2nd grade - kita bet, 3rd - kita gimel, etc. in order of the Hebrew alphabet. If a school has several classes in one parallel, then they will be distinguished by numbers, i.e. Kita Aleph 1, Kita Aleph 2, Kita Bet 1, etc.

4. School starts on September 1, as in most countries, but holidays are not tolerated. If a holiday falls on a weekend, then no one gives an additional day off.

5. Instead of school bell a cheerful modern song in Hebrew is playing. Children run to class and sing along. The song changes 3-4 times a year.

6. During the lineup, schoolchildren sit on an asphalt square; no one forces them to stand still for an hour. Only when the Israeli National Anthem plays does everyone stand up and sing along.

7. All holidays are calculated according to the Jewish calendar, which can vary greatly from year to year. There are no separate holidays in Israeli schools. All holidays are Jewish holidays, to which several additional days may be added. The biggest holidays of these are Hanukkah (December) and Passover (March-April).

8. Most schools have a large well-kept yard, trees, lawn, sports ground, benches, etc. During recess, children play football, jump rope, play checkers, etc. During recess you can ask for various equipment. Teachers also often go out into the yard, drink coffee and watch the children.

9. Some schools install solar panels or a solar boiler on the roof to heat water, but our school does not have this.

10. Phones are prohibited at school, i.e. You can’t take it out of your backpack at all during lessons. During breaks, you can only use the phone to call your parents. Playing or watching videos is strictly prohibited. The teacher can take away the gadget, and parents will be called to school.

11. Most children do not wear backpacks, but carry them on wheels. There are a lot of textbooks, they are heavy, why “break” a child’s back?

12. There is a not very strict, but mandatory school uniform. A plain T-shirt with the school symbol and plain pants: leggings, jeans (not torn), trousers, etc. On Friday, any uniform is required: skirts, dresses, torn jeans, t-shirts with an open belly, etc. Girls love to dress up.

13. All schools run for six days. School starts on Sunday and ends on Friday. Friday is a short day. Saturday (Sabbath) is a day off. Homework They don't ask for weekends, because... This is considered a holiday on which you cannot work.

14. They are also a fact: all children at school are insured against accidents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The only exception is summer holidays.

15. By the way, summer holidays in Israel are only 2 months. Children study fully until the end of June.

16. Almost every morning, after the bell rings for first period, the school principal comes out and greets all the students who were late, asking them why they didn't arrive on time?

17. 6th graders are on duty at the pedestrian crossings closest to the school before the first and last lessons. They don't let kids cross the road until all the cars have stopped.

18. When it rains heavily in the morning, the school director comes out instead of the children and stops the cars to see the children off.

19. My daughter studies on the first floor, and from the third grade (Kita Gimel) she will study on the second. Recently, a girl from the third grade broke her leg and cannot go up to the second floor. The school decided to switch classrooms: now my daughter is temporarily studying on the second floor, and that girl’s class is on the first. This is a very high indicator of respect for children.

20. On the last day of school last year, teachers gave the children a surprise. 5-6 inflatable trampolines were installed in the school yard. The children were in seventh heaven!

21. The first 6 years are primary school and students learn mainly from workbooks, which are purchased at the expense of their parents.

22. 1-2 times a year the whole school goes out for July. Tiyul is usually a hike in nature. Kids stay for the whole day, and older kids stay overnight. Another 1-2 times a year, children go to the theater or museum.

23. The attitude of Israelis towards schoolchildren is described in. An amazing story, very touching, I recommend everyone read it.

Complete me in the comments, write about your school.

Since the creation of Israel, the task of providing its citizens with quality education has been one of the priorities in this state. It is being successfully solved: diplomas from local universities are recognized in all countries of the world, and the acquired knowledge enables graduates to take their rightful place in society. Not only its residents, but also students from other countries, including Russians, are trying to get an education in Israel. For them, studying here is also attractive because they live in the Promised Land. big number our former compatriots, which allows us not to feel like strangers here.

Life in Israel

Those who plan to stay in this country for a long time should remember that living here has its own specifics. First of all, this is due to the fact that Israel is surrounded by unfriendly states, so increased attention is paid to security measures here. However, you can get used to this quite quickly, on Everyday life This does not affect citizens too much.

It is high, so in order to be able to enjoy the benefits available here, almost all citizens work, many in several places at once. The country has a developed system social protection, and those who have lost their job or have not yet found one after moving here for permanent residence can be sure that the state will support them. There is also a very high level of medicine, thanks to which the country ranks among the first in terms of life expectancy of its citizens.

Educational system of Israel

IN modern world The competition is very high, so in order to take a worthy place in it, a person must have deep knowledge and skills in the chosen field of activity. The education system in Israel is structured in such a way that citizens of the country, while studying at school and university, have the opportunity to develop their abilities to the maximum and obtain the profession for which they are best suited.

Preschool education

As soon as the child begins to move independently, he is given the opportunity to communicate with his peers. Before school education he receives it in a nursery and then in a kindergarten, which are public and private.


They are located in buildings specially built for this purpose, where children have the opportunity to stay every day (except Fridays) from 7.00 to 16.00. Here they are provided with three meals a day and are given the opportunity to nap during the day. The nursery is designed for children under three years of age. Each group has from 15 to 20 guys.

Family kindergartens

Those parents who want their child to receive more attention have the opportunity to send him to a family kindergarten. Almost any woman who is a citizen of the country can organize it. To do this, she only needs to obtain the appropriate permission. The number of children in such a kindergarten does not exceed five people. The cost of staying there is around 1,500 shekels, but parents with low incomes can take advantage of a discount system.

School education

There are four types of schools in Israel.

  1. State. They are the majority; training is conducted according to the programs of the country's Ministry of Education.
  2. State-religious. These institutions provide in-depth study of Judaism.
  3. Religious. These are private schools, many of whose graduates become clergy in the future.
  4. Arabic. Palestinian children wear them.

Every resident of the country has the right to receive free secondary education. You will have to pay certain amounts for textbooks, as well as for the opportunity to attend additional classes in circles, if the child wishes. The annual costs in this case do not exceed 1000 shekels. If a child is raised in a single-parent family, these expenses are borne by the state.

Classes in Israeli schools, as in Russian ones, last from September to June. During the year, students have holidays that coincide with major religious holidays. School education in the country consists of three levels: primary, intermediate and secondary. Moreover, each of them should be completed in a separate educational institution.


This period of education takes six years: children start school after kindergarten at the age of six and finish it at the age of twelve. From the very first grades, an in-depth acquaintance with Hebrew begins here; as a result, all children who have received primary education speak this language fluently, and also know how to read and write. In addition, there are:

In addition, during their stay here, each child gets the opportunity to learn to play one or more musical instruments. What distinguishes an Israeli elementary school from similar institutions in other countries is that students are not graded and there is no homework.

At the end of the third grade in primary school there is an examination, during which the degree of giftedness of each child is determined. Those who successfully pass it have the opportunity to continue their studies in institutions for children with increased abilities. There they will have the opportunity in-depth study objects to which they have an inclination.


Studying at such a school takes three years, and teenagers between the ages of 12 and 15 continue their education there. To those subjects studied in the first grades, a second foreign language is added, as well as geography, history, natural science and law.

In schools at this level there are councils, which, in addition to teachers, also include parents. Competence of this public body quite wide. In particular, he has the right to introduce additional subjects into the curriculum of the educational institution. Knowledge is assessed using a 100-point system. If it turns out that the level of preparation of children in one class varies too much, then they can be divided into two or more groups, and the same material will be presented in different ways. This is done to ensure that all children succeed and there are no lagging behind in the class. After graduation, the graduate receives a certificate entitling him to continue his studies at the chosen institution.


All third-level educational institutions in Israel are specialized; children enter them based on their abilities and who they want to become. Secondary educational institutions are of the following types.

  • General education in the humanities and natural sciences. They do not provide a specialty, but they allow you to prepare for admission to one of the universities in the country.
  • Professional. In them, along with general knowledge, you can get a working specialty.
  • Agricultural. They operate on the principle of boarding schools and graduate specialists in the field of agronomy.
  • Military. Cooking Junior officers for the Israel Defense Forces, as well as specialists for servicing military equipment.
  • Yeshivas. These are educational institutions of a religious orientation, where the main focus is on issues of Judaism.

In the 11th and 12th grades of the school, students have the opportunity to take the matriculation exam. This document is not mandatory, but without it it will be impossible to obtain in the future higher education.

Exams must be taken in the following subjects:

  • Hebrew;
  • knowledge of the Torah;
  • English language;
  • mathematics;
  • literature;
  • civil law.

For those who were unable to complete high school on time, there are evening educational institutions in Israel. Their training lasts four years, and during the last two years, students must attend classes only three times a week.

Higher education

Every second citizen in the country has a university degree. Higher education in Israel, as in other developed countries, is necessary for those citizens who want to succeed in their chosen field of activity. Its system in the country is the same as in the USA. It consists of three levels.

  1. Bachelor's degree. To obtain a bachelor's degree, 3 years of university study are required.
  2. Master's degree. The right to a master's degree will be given to those who, after graduating from a bachelor's degree, study at the university for another 2 or 3 years and successfully pass the exams.
  3. Doctoral studies. It is equivalent to graduate school in our country and is considered completed after defending a dissertation, which takes from two to four years.

To be eligible to study at the university, an applicant must not only have a matriculation certificate, but also pass a psychometric test. It is conducted by the country's Center for Examinations and Statistics and consists of 165 tasks. During the testing process, the applicant’s ability to think logically, solve mathematical examples is checked, and the degree of proficiency in it is also assessed. English language.

The minimum number of points that can be scored as a result of passing the test is 200, the maximum is 800. As a rule, 400 points are enough for admission, however, the more prestigious the university, the higher the passing score. You can repeat the test every 6 months. The results obtained are valid for 7 years.

Features of studying in Israel

Academic year

It starts on September 1 and ends at the end of June. The language of instruction is Hebrew, but in many universities courses are also taught in English. The class schedule is drawn up for six days of the week, Saturday is a day off. In addition to classroom lectures and seminars, the programs of all educational institutions are designed for students to learn significant amounts of material on their own.

Programs for repatriates

Every year many young Jews come to Israel who would like not only to settle here, but also to receive a diploma from a prestigious university. The country is ready to help them with this. Higher education for repatriates is organized in such a way that they do not have to pay for the first three years of study. Moreover, they can receive financial assistance, which is intended for the purchase of textbooks and support materials.

To be able to take advantage of such benefits, an applicant from among the repatriates must enroll in a university no later than three years after moving for permanent residence. The training programs are written in Hebrew, so students must know this language sufficiently to listen to lectures and prepare written work.

Benefits for military personnel

Those who do not have enough funds to pay for education can take advantage of benefits provided by the Israel Defense Forces. You will need to conclude a contract for service, in which case the opportunity to get an education at one of the universities at the bachelor's level will be provided free of charge.

Procedure for admission of foreigners to universities

Many Russians strive to become students at Israeli universities, because, firstly, they provide a deep amount of theoretical and practical knowledge, and, secondly, diplomas from these institutions are valued all over the world.

Studying in Israel for Russians is available at any university in this country. At the same time, admission to a university for repatriates from the Russian Federation has its own characteristics.

Specified Requirements

For Russians who come to study, just like citizens of any other country, there is only one limitation - they will not be able to become doctors. Education at medical faculties is available only to citizens of the country.

Confirmation of school certificate

Education in Israel has significant differences from Russian education. In order for the certificate obtained after graduating from school in the Russian Federation to be used here for admission to a local university, it must be accompanied by a certificate of completion of special courses. As a rule, their duration is 12 months. Here they study Hebrew, the history of Israel and specialized subjects. After graduation, an exam is taken, the result of which is taken into account when enrolling.

Level of proficiency in Hebrew and English

An important condition for admission to a university is the applicant’s knowledge of languages. Teaching at Israeli universities is conducted in Hebrew and English, so proficiency in them is mandatory for applicants. Appropriate preparation should be completed in advance. Knowledge testing is carried out during the psychometric test.

Popular universities in the country

There are ten universities in Israel, each of which can educate young people from other countries. One of the most prestigious is the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, whose best graduates work in leading companies in the world. Tel Aviv University is more focused on humanitarian sciences, its graduates have good prospects for a successful career in public service. Those who are inclined towards the exact sciences are more attracted by the Technion, located in Haifa, which trains not only specialists for practical work, but also scientific personnel. Operating under the Technion research institute young scientists, under the guidance of experienced mentors, take their first steps in science.

Medical education in Israel is considered very prestigious, so the number of applicants wishing to enroll in the relevant university faculties does not dry out. Since only local citizens can study there, many foreigners obtain an Israeli passport for this purpose.

Applying for a student visa

You should start obtaining an entry permit after you have received a notification of admission to the university. To obtain a visa, you should send the following to the consulate:

  • completed application form;
  • certificate of enrollment;
  • 2 photos 5×5 cm;
  • papers confirming financial solvency.

All documents must be translated into Hebrew and notarized. Before submitting papers, you must pay the consular fee.

Getting an education at Israeli universities is quite expensive. Studying for Russian students, as well as for representatives of other countries, will cost 25% more than for Israeli citizens. For one year of bachelor's degree you will need to contribute from 3 to 17 thousand US dollars. A year of master's degree will cost even more. The amount of payment directly depends on the university: the more prestigious it is, the more expensive it is.

In addition to the need to pay for studies, the student will need funds for housing and food. Renting a room will cost 400-500 US dollars, but if we are talking about a separate apartment, then this figure should be at least doubled. At least 500 US dollars will also be spent on food per month. Therefore, many students immediately after entering the university begin to work and do this throughout their studies.

Getting scholarships

Students from other countries are not eligible for scholarships. In some cases, it is provided to doctoral degree candidates, but does not cover all costs.

Further employment in the country

Persons who have graduated from higher educational institutions deal with employment issues themselves. As a rule, they are found through friends or by sending a resume to organizations that have available vacancies. In addition, in the final years of universities, the most promising students are approached by representatives of enterprises that need young specialists, so in many cases it is possible to agree on a place of work while still studying.

Municipalities and local councils operate psychological counseling services. Consultants of this service help parents in choosing a suitable educational institution depending on the child’s inclinations or problems. Each school has a pedagogical psychologist, who consults with students and parents.

In Israeli schools, starting from the 4th grade, each class elects representatives to the school student council, which, together with the team of teachers, participates in decision-makingknowledge on many school issues.

Preschool education in Israel

The Israeli preschool system accepts children aged 6 months to 5 years. At the age of 6, children begin to attend school. Kindergartens are owned by municipalities, women's organizations, large enterprises, religious organizations, and private individuals. Kindergartens, like the entire educational system in Israel, are both secular and religious.


Children's institution

Opening hours

6 months - 3 years

Family nurseries ( mishpahton)


6 months - 4 years

Extended kindergarten ( maon)


35 years

Municipal kindergarten ( gan trom-howa)

7.30-13.00 or 15.00

5 years

Senior preparatory group ( gan howa)


All kindergartens in Israel are paid, except for the senior preparatory group, which, according to the “Law on Universal compulsory education“is required to attend; it is like a “zero” grade of the school within the framework of the preschool education system.

What kind of kindergartens are there?

Extended kindergarten - Mahon

Extended kindergartens – maons– intended for children aged 6 months to 3-4 years. Some after-school kindergartens accept children only from one and a half years old, others have nursery group for the little ones. The gardens are open six days a week, throughout the year, except for public holidays and the summer holidays in the last 2 weeks of August. Children are there from 7.00 to 16.00, receive breakfast, hot lunch, afternoon snack and sleep after lunch. Usually the garden is located indoors with its own area, where everything is suitable for children to play and walk.

Many kindergartens provide transportation for children to and from the kindergarten for an additional fee.

In addition to classes with the teacher - reading, drawing, singing, walks, games - rhythm and music classes are organized in the nursery, for which a music teacher is invited. Majority Maons maons belongs to two all-Israeli women's public organizations.

There are also gardens owned by private individuals or religious organizations.

Family nurseries ( In rural areas and settlements usually refer to local governments. Family nursery – mishpakhton mishpakhton) mishpahton is a private small kindergarten directly at the teacher’s home. Teachers of such kindergartens undergo special

vocational training

. The conditions in which children are kept - area, equipment, number of toys, children's education and development program - must meet the established criteria. Sometimes

The Israeli education system differs from many others in that children here begin to study almost from birth. You can enroll your baby in kindergarten when he is only 3 months old (although this will cost money - free kindergarten is provided for older children). The popularity of preschool education has led to the emergence of many forms of education, such as:

As a rule, the youngest are enrolled in kindergartens in the spring, after the Passover holiday, and children over 3 years old are enrolled in municipal institutions in winter, and place the baby in senior group Kindergarten is free. Of course, private institutions will gladly take a child at any time of the year, but for this you will have to pay a significant amount.

So, if a “city” kindergarten costs only 75 shekels ($20) per month, then an extended day group costs up to 1000 shekels ($277), and summer camp- twice as expensive. Naturally, there are kindergartens in Israel for Russians, but they also do not work for free.

Almost all establishments for children are open from 7.30 to 18.00 from Sunday to Thursday (some also on Friday).

Groups in kindergartens are formed “by year”, that is, for children from 1 year old there is one group, from 2 years old – another, etc.

If you often visit or already live in Israel, visit exhibitions on preschool education, during which presentations of private nurseries and kindergartens are held.

After graduating from kindergarten, Israeli children go to school. In order to master general education program, they have 12 years. Wherein schooling is divided into three stages:

  • primary school – grades 1-6 (children from 6 to 12 years old are taught);
  • secondary school – grades 7-9 (from 12 to 15 years old);
  • high school, or Tikhon - grades 10-12 (15-18 years old).

It is not necessary to go to quiet school - a teenager who has turned 16 years old can transfer from school to a technical school or even go free. At the same time, young people who decide to leave school can transfer for free. Naturally, this only applies government agencies, including those with a religious bias.

For private schools you have to pay quite a lot - up to 30 thousand shekels ($8307) per year. However, this makes sense, especially if the parents work a lot. When mom and dad cannot pay much attention to the child, the best option for him is a boarding school in Israel (for example, Atid Raziel in Herzliya). Private educational institution It is also indispensable for migrants who are interested in whether there are Russian schools in Israel and want their child to study in their native language (this will be discussed in more detail below).

School classes begin every year on September 1 and end on June 20 or 30 (depending on the class). Schoolchildren study from 8.00 to 13.00 or 14.00 - again depending on age. During the year, children go on vacation four times:

  • in the spring - during the celebration of Easter;
  • in summer - from late June to August;
  • in the fall - in September or October (the week of Sukkot celebration);
  • in winter - in December (the week of Hanukkah).

Information for migrants from CIS countries

Visiting children, with the exception of high school students, are assigned to classes by age, not by language level. At the same time, migrants also attend additional classes in Hebrew, English, literature and reading sacred texts (Tanakha). Teenagers aged 16-18 years can go to the “junior” class in order to have time to prepare for the matriculation exam.

A person from the CIS, in particular from Russia or Ukraine, receive good mark according to the 100-point system, it is easier if he studies in a “Russian” school, such as:

  • a school at the PP (Embassy) of the Russian Federation in Israel (in everyday life - a school in Tel Aviv for Russians) - here they speak Russian and take the usual State Exam and Unified State Exam, relax during Russian public holidays, participate in numerous competitions and festivals;
  • "Gordon" school in the city of Petah Tikva - almost all the teachers of this educational institution are born citizens of the USSR, so if a student does not understand something in Hebrew, asking again in his native language will not be difficult;
  • Russian-language schools in Israel in Rishon.

In addition, the Reali School in Haifa, an educational institution with a 100-year history, is very popular. Here, the teachers, alas, do not speak Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian, but the child can receive a very high-quality education - a certificate from this institution is even an advantage in interviews. However, there are always few free places there, and in order to enter, the student must pass the entrance test well.

Admission to university and visa application

In order for a person who has not yet moved abroad to enroll in an Israeli university, he needs to submit documents in advance, and special attention should be paid to the certificate of education already received. Thus, a school certificate or a diploma from a university in a CIS country must be translated into Hebrew by a qualified specialist and certified by a notary. It should be borne in mind that in small cities it is quite difficult to find an interpreter.

When you have done everything and collected Required documents, you can safely apply to an Israeli university. If the local administration approves the candidacy, the future student will receive a personal invitation.

After this, you will be able to apply for a visa.

Required documents

According to Israeli law, higher education here can be obtained exclusively on a paid basis. This applies to everyone – citizens of the country, migrants, and repatriates. And since opportunity free education is not provided in Israel, its value becomes much greater than in other developed countries. It is no coincidence that a diploma from a university in this country opens the doors of many large international companies to a graduate.

Education at universities takes place in three stages: first, second and third degrees. Residents of the CIS countries should keep in mind that this is, in essence, their usual division into bachelor’s/specialty, master’s and doctoral programs. To prepare for admission, a future student can take advantage of special programs.

Considering that studying in Israel is not free for Russians, you can save money on Hebrew courses. This also applies to immigrants from other CIS countries.

To combine study and work, a student can enroll in distance courses or an evening study program. Thus, at the University of Haifa, first-degree programs are provided even in the very complex Faculty of Social Welfare and Health. Successful distance learning, like full-time, ends with the defense of a thesis.

Benefits for military personnel

However, there is a category of young people who are entitled to significant benefits. These are people who served in the Israeli army. Firstly, such boys and girls almost always receive scholarships, the size of which depends on the university, as well as on military rank student (can reach up to 6,000 shekels or $1,675).

Secondly, those returning from the army receive a preferential right to enter the institute, that is, if the number of points is equal, it will be the former serviceman who will receive a place at the university. Thirdly, if after the army a person wants to go to an institute where there is military department, he will be able to enter there without competition - if, of course, he has a recommendation from the commander of the military unit.


The academic year for Israeli students begins at the end of October and ends in June. The start day of studies is determined by the religious calendar: students go to classes after the holiday of Sukkot. You can find out when a particular university will open its doors to students on its official website.

The duration of the semester can be up to 14 weeks, while religious holidays are always short holidays.

Future bachelors and specialists attend the university 3-4 days a week, and masters and doctors of science – 2-3 days.

In January, students in Israel study, or rather, submit work based on the results of the first semester.

Conditions for admission to an Israeli university

Admission requirements depend on what level of training they want to attend and whether their future specialty involves research activities. In general, for a migrant to have a chance to enter an Israeli university, he must submit an impressive package of documents. It includes:

  • a photocopy of all pages of the passport or identity card certified by a notary;
  • photograph 3x4 cm;
  • certificate of payment of the registration fee;
  • a photocopy of the certificate or diploma certified by a notary;
  • certificate of passing a psychometric test;
  • IELTS/TOEFL certificate (if available);
  • for those wishing to obtain an academic degree - an academic resume, a letter of motivation and a certificate of passing the GRE test;
  • for applicants-researchers – a project and a covering letter from the supervisor.

It is these papers that need to be collected by everyone who is interested, for example, in studying for Ukrainians in Israel or receiving education for Russians, Belarusians, etc.

After submitting documents, the applicant must demonstrate knowledge of Hebrew and, if necessary, pass additional internal exams.

As for the psychometric test, it can be taken in English and Hebrew, as well as in Russian. Maximum score– 800, average pass – 400.

This test is necessary to check a person for:

  • verbal thinking;
  • quantitative thinking;
  • knowledge of the English language (in this case, the wording of the tasks, that is, instructions on what the student needs to do in each specific exercise, are written in the language chosen for delivery - for example, in Russian, and the texts with which to work are given in English).

University ranking

Israel's universities are renowned for their quality of education. Many universities in this country are included in world rankings. These are the universities of Jerusalem,. There are seven most popular areas of training for undergraduate and graduate students in Israel:

  • management;
  • engineering;
  • information Technology;
  • natural Sciences;
  • economy;
  • psychology;

As mentioned above, universities are mostly open, but in order to study there, you need to fill out a lot of documents, pass a test and, of course, know English and Hebrew.

If a visitor is not doing very well with languages ​​or subjects that interest him, you can find intensive programs. For example, in Israel, seminars on law are held in Russian (from 80 to 200 academic hours).

The name of the universityOfficial siteBrief information
Hebrew University (Jerusalem)http://www.huji.ac.il/A university included in the TOP 100 universities in the world. Most faculties are located in Jerusalem, there is a branch in Rehovot. There are 7 laureates among the graduates Nobel Prize. 23 thousand students, 2 thousand of them are foreigners. Opportunity to get almost any profession - from philologist to microbiologist.
Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa) (Technion)http://www.technion.ac.il/The university was founded in 1912 and awards prestigious awards: the Harvey Prize and the Yanai Prize. 13,700 students, 1,350 teachers, 17 faculties. Main directions: construction, cartography, electromechanics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, physics, medicine. Popular among those who want to study in Israel to become a doctor.
Ariel Israel University (Samaria)http://www.ariel.ac.il/A relatively young university, founded in 1982 on the basis of a college. There are only 100 teachers for 14 thousand students. 6 faculties (engineering, media, architecture, science and Social sciencies). In the future, there will be the opening of two more faculties and a new library.
Ben-Gurion University of the Negevhttp://in.bgu.ac.il/Gives you the opportunity to realize your potential in the field of management, engineering, Agriculture, natural and social sciences, or pursue an unusual career in the Department of Desert Studies. 19,700 students. Increased comfort and amenities: all faculties and laboratories are located on the same territory, low cost of food and rental housing.
Institute named after Weizmann (Rehovot)http://www.weizmann.ac.il/A modern university where students who have already received their first academic degree can continue their education. The teachers speak English. Research is carried out in the field of natural sciences, as well as mathematics, physics, and IT. Those who are interested in learning web design in Israel often come here.

Training and education programs for foreign students

Of course, enrolling in a higher education institution abroad is not easy, but there are many opportunities to thoroughly prepare for your upcoming studies. On this moment The SELA (SELA) program is considered the most popular in Israel. Within its framework, future students prepare for 10 months not only for the psychometric test, but also for the test itself. Applicants study Hebrew for 750 hours (up to 25 hours a week with breaks for religious holidays) and consolidate their acquired knowledge in practice.

SELA is a subsidiary project of the same organization, thanks to which the MASA program exists in Israel.

MASA is not one, but several programs at once, implying the preparation, training and internship of specialists in various fields: from managers to doctors. Anyone between the ages of 18 and 30 can take part in volunteer programs and attend excursions.

Potential migrants are also interested in what the NAALE program is in Israel. This program involves training people who have the right to repatriation. The main goal of the program is to issue a matriculation certificate to as many Jews as possible who spent their childhood not in their historical homeland.

Finally, people from the CIS are looking for reviews about studying in Israel using MASHAV. This program will be of interest primarily to those who intend to work in the field of international communications or engage in research projects. Here you can not only catch up on lost time, but also improve your qualifications even in a rare specialty. For example, MASHAV allows you to learn more about the industrial use of water resources.

Cost of education for children and adults in Israel

It has already been said above how much it costs to study in Israel in private institutions, and also that municipal kindergartens and schools are free. Unfortunately, older applicants (over 18 years old) will have to fork out more. Moreover, foreigners are required to contribute 25% more funds than Israeli citizens.

Students from other countries should be prepared to pay at least 30 thousand shekels ($8,307) per year (two semesters). It is worth considering that the more prestigious the university and the more complex the faculty, the higher the payment. Thus, the cost of training at the Technion in Haifa for doctors is 127 thousand shekels ($35,153). And this is not counting the indirect costs of accommodation, food, materials necessary for training...

Encouraging students

However, successful students may receive a grant or scholarship. First of all, this is relevant for those receiving education at medical faculties. To earn extra money while studying at a university, you can become a tutor for students junior students and receive up to 5,000 shekels ($1,384) per month.

In addition, the Israeli Ministry of Aliyah and Absorption issues immigrants social benefits, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - for those who study in summer ulpans (schools for those who do not speak Hebrew well).

Visitors should also contact the Office of Student Affairs in Israel. Thanks to this institution, some students have the opportunity to pay practically nothing for their university studies for the first 2-3 years.

During their studies, all students receive discounts on travel to and attendance at cultural events. At the same time, many Israeli companies, especially call centers, have vacancies for students. So it is quite possible to combine study, work and cultural leisure.

What do potential migrants need to study and work in Israel?

Indeed, in order to get an education in Israel with subsequent employment, potential migrants need to study for a long time. There is also the opportunity to continue studies started in your home country. But for this you will have to try, because the migrant must prove that he knows languages ​​well and not be afraid of many bureaucratic procedures.

In order to study at a university or get a prestigious position, a migrant will have to confirm his certificate or diploma. But then it will be possible to apply the knowledge in practice.

For example, there is a mandatory internship in Israel for pharmacists. Having passed it and proven yourself well, you can get a decent job (and not only doctors have such opportunities).

Confirmation of school certificate

It has already been said above that everyone who wants to get an education or get a job in Israel must have their certificate or diploma translated into Hebrew and notarized. Let’s dwell on this in more detail, because the process of processing documents is long and ends upon arrival in Israel.

So, the migrant needs to contact the Ministry of Education, one of the Diploma Evaluation Departments, which are located in the following cities:

  • Jerusalem;
  • Tel Aviv;
  • Haifa;
  • Nazareth Illit;
  • Be'er Sheva.

If the visitor has the opportunity, he should contact the center in person, but documents can also be sent by mail.

If you have already completed your studies at a university, then you will need not only a diploma, but also a certificate of the disciplines studied. CIS citizens also provide a work book. And remember: Israel does not confirm certificates of incomplete higher education!

English level

The level of English language proficiency in Israel is assessed on a six-point scale - from 6 to 0. If the exam is passed with a grade of “3” or “2”, the applicant can be sure that he will enter the university. Moreover, the better the indicator, the greater the chances of admission; moreover, the highest scores received (1 or 0) exempt students from subsequent classes. foreign language at the university.

By the way, if your English is not very good, and teaching is conducted in this language, you should not be upset. The fact is that almost every third teacher in Israel knows Russian. That is, you can always ask him for personal consultation.

Hebrew level

To enter an Israeli university, you need to know Hebrew at least at an intermediate (Gimel Dalet) level. However, sometimes a student is required to take a hey-vav exam, which is much more difficult. This is necessary to obtain education in such areas as:

  • medicine;
  • psychology;
  • jurisprudence.

A visitor who doubts his knowledge can take Hebrew courses in Israel by submitting documents and enrolling in an ulpan. Classes here take place approximately 22 hours a week. The cost of training is approximately 4,000 shekels ($1,107).

Repatriate training programs

Jews who do not live in their historical homeland, but wish to return there, have special rights to receive education. Such people are called repatriates, and they can enjoy benefits until they obtain citizenship and find a job. At first, they can take courses for new immigrants in Israel.

Visitors of any age can enroll in the courses for free or for only 200 shekels. There are specialized schools in almost all major cities. Therefore, repatriates actively visit ulpans in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Haifa. Intensive Hebrew learning programs are developed by reputable organizations such as the aforementioned MASA and NAALE, so diligent students master the language quickly.

Immigration to Israel: Video

And finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is the status of the debtor that is easiest to “forget” when getting ready for your next vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2018; we recommend that you find out information about the presence of debt using a trusted service

Israel's education system corresponds to the country's chosen course - the movement towards a post-industrial society. Investments and spending on education are only growing, in demand professional education and advanced training. Employment in leading companies in the world is a common thing for a graduate of any Israeli university due to flexibility, thoughtfulness and high quality educational system states.

Types of education in Israel

There are three types of education in this state:

  • state. Studying in Israel is carried out according to the methods and programs approved by the Ministry of Education;
  • state-religious. In addition to the mandatory educational programs, 40% of the time is devoted to religious subjects;
  • independent. This educational schools for Torah study, some of them are not controlled by the government, some are funded by the state.

Educational degrees in Israel

They are not particularly different from the generally accepted ones:

  • preschool education;
  • school;
  • higher

Video about the education system in Israel

Preschool education

For children under three years of age, there are nurseries and kindergartens run by the Ministry of Industry. Older children (up to 5 years old) can be sent to special municipal kindergartens (trom-khova). In them, educators prefer game-based learning, and teachers and psychologists prepare children for further school everyday life. Preschool education in Israel it is built in such a way that at the age of five children learn to read and write. While studying in preparatory groups, they become familiar with mathematics, basic knowledge about nature, and state and religious dates.

Features of school education

The three types of education that have already been mentioned fully apply to school education. However, it is worth noting that there is no single approved curriculum in Israel for all schools. Educational establishments are free to choose their own methods and means of teaching, although they are under the control of the government. As in Russia, school education in Israel begins at the age of 6 and is divided into three stages:

  • primary - from the first (“alef”) to the sixth (“vav”) grade;
  • incomplete secondary or intermediate - from seventh grade (“zain”) to ninth (“het”). The age of the students is from 12 to 15 years;
  • secondary - from the tenth (“Yud”) to the twelfth (“Yud-Bet”) grade. As a result, children finish school at 18 years old.

Throughout high school holidays fall on Jewish holidays (except summer).

WITH primary school The study of Hebrew in Israel is already beginning. There is no homework from grades 1 to 6; it is believed that first you need to learn to simply remember the essence of what the teacher teaches.

IN public schools 75% of the subjects are required to study, these are standard mathematics, history, English, computer science, geography, and Jewish studies. The remaining 25% are selected by the educational council. In state-religious schools, increased attention is paid to compliance with norms in behavior and clothing. Religious studies and Judaic studies, reading prayers and the Bible come to the fore.

Parents can send their children to paid clubs: drama, vocational and technical.

In intermediate schools, students begin to be divided into groups based on academic performance and ability. Children are being prepared for secondary school, and the requirements for their academic performance are increasing. Depending on the abilities of the students, subjects in groups are taught at different levels.

Complete secondary school differs from incomplete secondary school in that it prepares students for admission to universities, after which they issue a matriculation certificate, or “bagrut”. To obtain it, you need to pass the State Graduation Exam, which not all schoolchildren can pass.

There are also vocational high schools in Israel, where children from 15 to 18 years old can study, preparing for a specific profession. There are also agricultural schools, military academies and "yeshivas" - boarding schools for religious education. Some of the vocational schools have a 13th and 14th grade specifically for junior engineer or technician training.

In Israeli schools, a five-point system is used; in the 11th grade, the division into profiles begins: scientific, humanitarian or technical.


Exists special education in Israel for repatriates - Jews who returned to their homeland. They have the right to financial assistance from the state, easier exams and simplified training. Repatriates also take additional classes in Hebrew or subjects related to this language. Classes are often organized for them to help children adapt.

For high school students, there are special Naale schools in Israel, where education is free, and the state also funds accommodation and food for repatriates. These are three-year schools available to teenagers who have already completed 9th or 10th grade. The main goal is to obtain a matriculation certificate, which is what the training program with an intensive Hebrew course, as well as familiarization with Jewish national values. The student is free to choose subjects depending on his preferences and inclinations.

Schools with Russian language of instruction

Russian schools are quite well represented in Israel; they begin to study at the age of 4, despite paid education (it is cheap and accessible to everyone). Anyone can sign up there, but it’s good if the student knows how to speak basic Russian. As a rule, children of new repatriates study in such schools. In addition to the Russian language and literature, these schools teach mathematics, music, and delight children with educational games.

Higher education

Three-level higher education in Israel is slightly different from the usual Russian system:

  • Bachelor's degree – 3 years at universities. Colleges in Israel provide 4 years of education;
  • Master's degree lasts 2 or 3 years;
  • doctoral studies An analogue of Russian graduate school. The period of study depends on the university. It takes from 2 to 4 years to prepare and defend a doctoral thesis.

Israel's colleges are designed to master technical specialties, and many students go there to gain practical knowledge and then apply it in practice. In this country they have a more prestigious status than in Russia.

Now in Israel you can enroll in one of nine universities, each of which has its own characteristics. For example, the Hebrew University, located in Jerusalem, is considered the oldest and oldest prestigious university in the country. Both humanists and representatives of technical specialties can feel comfortable here. Tel Aviv University is more focused on economics and social Sciences. It is also known for engineering students, as is the Technion in Haifa, home to Google's research centers.

Admission to university

To become a student at any university, you need a certificate confirming completion of high school, knowledge of Hebrew, English and passing a psychometric test. It tests your ability to think logically and mathematically, as well as your ability to speak English. For exact or natural sciences, a mathematics exam is taken, and there may also be additional tests in specialized disciplines. An interview or writing is possible creative works, which is more relevant to humanities specialties. The cost of studying in Israel varies from 2.5 to 3 thousand dollars per year, regardless of the university and faculty, this does not take into account the costs of housing, office, etc.

Education for Russians in Israel

For Russians, studying in Israel at the faculty of any of the nine universities is quite possible; they only need to complete a one-year training course called “SELA”. Future students are taught Hebrew and the necessary disciplines for studying at the university. Exams required for admission:

Note that medical education not available to foreigners in Israel.

Education for Russians, as for any foreigners, is paid. However, they do not feel completely abroad there, since 40% of teachers at any university speak Russian, many subjects are taught in it not only in universities, but sometimes in preparatory courses. And this happens despite the fact that national languages Israel - Hebrew and Arabic.

Postgraduate education

Possible for both Israeli citizens and foreigners, including Russians. It can be obtained at traditional and specialized universities, where you will need to study in doctoral programs. Tuition is paid, as is the case with bachelor's and master's degrees. Required languages ​​for admission are English and Hebrew.

Diploma confirmation

This is the first step towards finding a job, but should not be confused with obtaining a permit. Confirmation of a diploma in Israel is done by the Ministry of Education. The procedure takes approximately three to four weeks, after which you can receive a certificate of academic degree and confirmation of diploma, which is previously notarized along with the insert.

The education system in Israel is optimal for those who want to get a decent job after graduation and at the same time gain comprehensive knowledge in many disciplines. It is also an excellent way to immerse yourself in the thousand-year history of the country, its laws and customs, and learn Holy Bible. Receiving a higher education in Israel is an honor for any person; both the exact sciences and the humanities are valued in the state.