Pre-school preparation corner in the preparatory group. Pre-school preparation program “On the way to school. Tracking student results

Elena Viktorovna Kapustina
Pre-school preparation of children

Approved Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) to the structure of the main educational program preschool education developed in accordance with the Law Russian Federation"About Education". They were introduced in connection with the understanding of the importance of pre-school education for the further successful development, education of every child, and accessibility to quality education for everyone.

To provide a child with the very start that will allow him to successfully study at school, it is necessary certain way to standardize the content of preschool education, in whatever institution (or in the family) the child did not receive it. This is precisely why the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard to the structure of the main educational program of preschool education is connected.

Therefore the organization preschool education has become very relevant nowadays. The main problem that must be solved pre-school preparation - formation in children motivation for learning at school, emotional readiness for it, the ability to act both independently and together with others, the development of curiosity, creative activity, sensitivity to the world, initiative, the formation of diverse knowledge. Before going to school, children must have experience of systematic studies and social communication with peers and adults. Children can gain such experience not only in preschool educational institution, but also in short-stay groups children senior preschool age preparing for school. It is important to create such groups in the system additional education, or in the system of cultural institutions, or in the system of preschool educational institutions. And, in connection with the Federal State Educational Standard, it is very important that educational activities are not reduced to the development of educational skills and actions: writing, counting, reading, did not turn into something like school lessons. There should be no mechanical training, but constant, conscious creative work child under the guidance and assistance of an adult.

When organizing preschool preparation must be observed general principles work with preschoolers: adequacy of requirements to the child’s capabilities, taking into account individual developmental characteristics, gradual formation of all areas of development, creating a situation of success in emotionally successful communication with the child. The child can go to school prepare and parents, but this system of work must necessarily provide for preliminary parent training or the opportunity to receive qualified systematic consultations.

In structure pre-school preparation there are certain criteria for psychological readiness children to school. This is also personal readiness: a child is ready for school if the school attracts him not by its external appearance, but by the opportunity to gain new knowledge; intellectual: the presence of an outlook, a stock of specific knowledge, interest in the knowledge gained, the ability to understand certain connections between phenomena, reproduce the pattern; social psychological: learning motivation(wants to go to school, understands the importance and necessity of learning, shows a pronounced interest in acquiring new knowledge, the ability to communicate with peers and adults (easily makes contact, is not aggressive, knows how to find a way out problem situations, recognizes the authority of adults, the ability to accept a learning task (listen carefully, clarify tasks if necessary); physiological readiness: level of physiological and biological development, health status.

New model preschool education should provide children from different social strata with equal starting conditions for obtaining primary education, maintain and improve health children and makes quality education available at the first stage. The teacher’s attention should be focused on the following approaches to working with children:

Moving away from strictly regulated school-type education,

Providing physical activity in various forms,

The use of diverse forms of training organization, including different types of activities,

Interaction children and adults in the presence of a partner position and a partner form of communication (cooperation between an adult and children, the possibility of free placement, movement and communication children in the process of educational activities,

Creation of a developmental environment that functionally models the content of children’s activities and initiates them, ensuring the development of the child’s subjective positions,

Widespread use of methods and techniques that activate thinking, imagination, and introduce task elements into learning open type, having different solutions,

Using gaming techniques, creating meaningful children situations,

Formation of a children's community that provides each child with a feeling of comfort and success.

Since one of the main criteria for teachers choosing forms educational activities is age appropriate, then the basis preschool In teaching, the leading type of children's activity and the main form of work is productive and playful activity. Education children should be aimed at enrichment, and not at artificial acceleration of development. After all, it is in game form most of the content can be implemented educational areas, it is in play that a restructuring of all the child’s cognitive processes takes place, including his behavior; educational motives. In the depths of gaming motivation arises preconditions educational activities that have a result in the form of specific knowledge, skills, development mental processes, and the formation prerequisites educational activity is one of the planned final results of mastering the program preschool education.

Also adequate forms of working with children are experimentation, design, collecting, conversations, observations, solving problem situations, and more. Work with children should be aimed at individualization preschool education, that is, the teacher must be able to work, on the one hand, with an orientation towards both age and individual characteristics children. On the other hand, to see the uniqueness of each of your students, to be able to individualize pedagogical process taking into account the data from a thorough and comprehensive study of older preschoolers, use the potential of integrating all areas of activity to meet their educational needs and preparation for school.

Preschool education is, on the one hand, a purposeful, organized social and pedagogical process of teaching and raising children preschool age, which also performs the function social control for the state of their physical, psychological, intellectual state before entering school. On the other hand, this process appears, as a set of special practices of interaction between various subjects ects: parents, educators, teachers and themselves children. That's why pre-school preparation takes on special significance.

Efficiency preschool preparation depends on the implementation of the following pedagogical conditions:

Adjustments teachers' ideas, parents and children about the essence of preschool preparation in close cooperation,

The presence of attitudes of teachers and parents on the importance of the organization preschool preparation using person-oriented means,

Compliance with the phasing of training,

Availability of regular efficiency diagnostics preschool preparation in accordance with its result.

Thus, the significance preschool preparation is essential and has is paramount to preparedness children to school.


Dyusembayeva K.R.

KSU "Pervomaiskaya" high school» Department of Education of the Fedorovsky District Akimat

In the instructional and methodological letter “On the characteristics of the organization educational process V secondary schools Republic of Kazakhstan in the 2016-2017 academic year” states that the modernization of the Kazakh system of education and science offers high-quality readiness of children for school, forms children’s motivation to study at school and emotional readiness.

Based on this, the organization of preschool education has become very relevant at the present time. The main goal of pre-school preparation of children is the general, intellectual, physical development of preschool children, ensuring their readiness to master knowledge, the formation in the child personal qualities to master learning activities.

Before school, children must have experience of systematic studies and social communication with peers and adults. Children can gain such experience not only in a preschool educational institution, but also in preschool classes.

Preparing children for school involves, on the one hand, organizing educational work, which ensures a high level of general, comprehensive development of preschool children, on the other hand, special training children to master those academic subjects that they will master in primary school schools. In this regard, the concept of readiness is defined as the multilateral development of a child’s personality and is considered in two interrelated aspects: as “general, psychological readiness” and as “special readiness” for learning at school.

General readiness for school is expressed in the child’s achievement by the time he enters school of such a level of mental, volitional, aesthetic and physical development, which creates the necessary basis for the child’s active entry into the new conditions of schooling and conscious assimilation of educational material. General readiness is characterized by a certain level of mental development that a child achieves by the time he transitions to school.

Psychological readiness for schooling includes motivational readiness, which is manifested in the child’s desire to learn, a fairly high level cognitive activity And mental operations, the child’s mastery of elements of educational activity, a certain level of volitional and social development.

Psychological readiness for school does not arise spontaneously in children, that is, on its own, as adults often think. It is formed gradually and, most importantly, requires correct pedagogical guidance and specially organized classes with the child in the family. We form such readiness by creating conditions for the development of all types of children’s activities (subject, play, labor, visual, constructive), ensuring the unified development of all internal forces preschoolers - thinking, volitional qualities, feelings, creativity, speech, as well as the assimilation of ethical standards and the development of moral behavior.

Motivational readiness– this is the presence of children’s desire to learn. Most parents will almost immediately answer that their children want to go to school, and therefore they have a motivational readiness. However, this is not quite true. First of all, the desire to go to school and the desire to learn are significantly different from each other. A child may want to go to school because all his peers will go there, because he heard at home that they will buy a new briefcase and pencil case for school. In addition, everything new attracts children, and at school everything is new: the teacher, the class, etc. However, this does not mean that children have realized the importance of studying and are ready to work hard. They just realized that the status of a schoolchild is much more important and honorable than that of a preschooler who goes to school. kindergarten. Children at the age of 6 already understand well that you can refuse to buy them a doll or other toy, but you cannot help but buy a pen or pencils, an album, since the purchase of, for example, a toy is dictated only by your kind attitude towards the child, and a briefcase or notebook - duty to him. In the same way, children see that adults can interrupt their most interesting game, but do not disturb their older brothers or sisters when they are sitting too long at home. That’s why your child strives to go to school, because he wants to be an adult, to have certain rights, for example, to a backpack or notebook, as well as responsibilities assigned to him, for example, getting up early, preparing homework. He may not yet fully realize that in order to prepare a lesson, he will have to sacrifice, for example, a game or a walk, but in principle he knows and accepts the fact that homework needs to be done. It is this desire to become a schoolchild, to follow the rules of behavior of a schoolchild and to have his responsibilities that constitutes the “internal position” of a schoolchild.

It is important to tell children about what exactly it means to be a schoolchild, why he becomes more mature when he enters school, and what duties he will perform there. Using accessible examples, you can show the importance of lessons, grades, and school routine.

If you want to help your child have a happy time at school, start with the following:

Tell us what it means to be a schoolchild and what responsibilities will appear at school;

Using accessible examples, show the importance of lessons, grades, school routine;

Cultivate interest in the content of classes and in acquiring new knowledge;

Cultivate arbitrariness and controllability of behavior;

Never say that school is not interesting.

Interaction with a child, contact with him, naturally excludes authoritarianism, dictatorship, threats: “When you go to school, they will show you!” It is necessary to instill in the child a respectful attitude towards educational work, emphasize its importance for all family members. An optimistic note must certainly be introduced, showing the parents’ confidence that school will be successful, that the first-grader will diligently and independently fulfill all school requirements.

Interest in the external side of learning, in the learning process, that is, in school, in school supplies, to the rules of behavior is the first stage in the development of motivational readiness.

Intellectual readiness. Many parents believe that this is the main component psychological readiness to school, and its basis is teaching children the skills of writing, reading and counting. This belief is the reason for parents’ mistakes in preparing their children and their disappointments.

In fact, intellectual readiness does not imply that the child has any specific knowledge and skills (for example, reading), although, of course, the child must have initial skills. However, the main thing is that the child has a higher psychological development, which ensures the voluntary regulation of attention, memory, thinking, gives the child the opportunity to read, count, and solve problems “to himself,” that is, internally.

For normal development, children need to understand that there are certain signs (drawings, drawings, letters or numbers) that seem to replace real objects. You can explain to your child that in order to count how many cars are in the garage, you don’t have to go through the cars themselves, but you can mark them with sticks or circles and count them. To solve a more complex problem, you can invite children to build a drawing that would help imagine the condition of the problem and solve it based on this graphic image.

Gradually, such drawings become more conventional, as children remember this principle. They can already draw these symbols (sticks...) in their mind, in their consciousness. The presence of these internal supports and signs of real objects gives children the opportunity to decide in their minds enough complex tasks, improve memory and attention, which is necessary for successful educational activities. Unfortunately, children do not always have good mechanical memory. You can play games with your child in which you need to come up with some symbols for each word, part of a story or poem. At first, an adult can draw these symbols, and then, looking at them, it will be much easier for the child to learn the necessary material. Gradually, one sign will absorb an increasing amount of material, and in the end the children will no longer need a “cheat sheet,” that is, a piece of paper with drawings, since they will store all the necessary signs in their minds.

Such games help in developing not only memory, but also attention and organization of children’s activities. These exercises also develop children’s thinking, as they learn to highlight the main thing not only in some work, but also in objects in the surrounding world, that is, in fact, they develop the operation of generalization - one of the main operations logical thinking, the necessary concepts are acquired.

Willful readiness required for normal adaptation of children to school conditions. It’s not so much about the children’s ability to adapt to them, but about the ability to listen and delve into the content of what the adult is talking about. The fact is that the student needs to be able to understand and accept the teacher’s task, subordinating his immediate desires and impulses to him. To do this, it is necessary that the child can concentrate on the instructions he receives from the adult. You can develop this skill at home by giving children different tasks. In this case, it is imperative to ask the children to repeat the adult’s words to make sure that they heard everything and understood everything correctly. In more difficult cases You can invite the child to explain why he will do this, whether it is possible to complete the assigned task in different ways. If you are given several tasks in a row. You can resort to a hint diagram or drawing.

Special readiness for school is a complement to the child’s general, psychological readiness for school. It is determined by the child’s special knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for studying academic subjects such as mathematics and the Russian language. A child entering school must be prepared for a new way of life, new system relationships with people, to active mental activity. Therefore, the primary concern of parents and educators should be the all-round development of the child with the help special classes, i.e. training.

Physiological readiness to school is determined by the level of development of basic functional systems the child’s body and the state of his health. Evaluation physiological readiness Doctors prescribe children to systematic schooling according to certain criteria.

Level physiological development and the state of the child’s health form the foundation school activities. Often ill, physically weakened students, even with a high level of mental development, usually experience learning difficulties.

Thus, the importance of preschool preparation is significant and is of paramount importance for children’s readiness for school.

“Preschool education is the senior stage of preschool, usually lasting two years and designed to soften the child’s transition from kindergarten (as well as any other preschool(organization) or from family) to school. But this should not at all turn into the same training of children on first-grade material.”
  • What is preschool education
  • “Preschool education is the senior stage of preschool, usually lasting two years and designed to soften the transition of a child from kindergarten (as well as any other preschool institution (organization) or from a family) to school. But this should not at all turn into the same training of children on first-grade material.”
  • The success of a child’s life depends on the level of preschool education.
  • Pre-school education ranks third (after higher and primary) in terms of importance.
  • Relevance of the problem
  • Arguments against
  • immature motivation of “six-year-olds” to learn
  • deterioration in children's health
  • the benefits of preschool education programs for children's health and emotional well-being
  • Data from the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents: compared to the 1980s, the percentage of 6-year-old children who are not ready for systematic education has increased 5 times. 18.5% of six-year-olds are “mature”, more than 49% are “medium mature”, and 32.2% are immature in terms of functional readiness for learning.
  • Arguments
  • At the age of five, children receive “a certain development that cannot be achieved at any other age. If this development is not achieved, then the child is unlikely to be successful in his career in the future.”
The main goal of pre-school preparation is to equalize the starting capabilities of future schoolchildren so that they do not experience stress, complexes, or feelings of humiliation, which can discourage them from studying for all subsequent years.
  • What is “Pre-school preparation”?
  • Goals, objectives, features.
  • The main goal of pre-school preparation is to equalize the starting capabilities of future schoolchildren so that they do not experience stress, complexes, or feelings of humiliation, which can discourage them from studying for all subsequent years.
  • This is a system of processes of interaction between people in society, ensuring, on the one hand, the development of the abilities of each individual, and on the other, his entry into this society (socialization).
  • Pre-school education social purpose
  • - ensuring the possibility of a unified start for six-year-old first-graders; pedagogical goal
  • - development of the personality of a child of senior preschool age, formation of his readiness for systematic learning.
  • organizing the process of training, education and development of children at the stage of preschool education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age;
  • selection of the content of education for children at the stage of pre-school education, which will ensure the preservation of the intrinsic value of this period of development, refusal to duplicate the content of education in the first grade of school;
strengthening and developing the child’s emotionally positive attitude towards school and desire to learn;
  • strengthening and developing the child’s emotionally positive attitude towards school and desire to learn;
  • formation of social personality traits of the future schoolchild, necessary for successful adaptation to school.
The concept of “School readiness”:
  • The concept of “School readiness”:
  • prerequisites for learning skills;
  • new social roles of the student;
  • cognitive interests of the future student;
  • mental operations (comparison, classification, analysis, generalization, etc.
  • Features of preschool education
  • Thus, the child’s readiness for school presupposes the development of the child’s activity system (choice of means, methods, ability to set a goal and achieve it); broadening his horizons and stimulating cognitive activity; formation of arbitrariness and freedom of behavior; independence, the ability to serve oneself, the ability to communicate with peers and adults.
  • A.A. Leontyev: From five to seven years, as a rule, “leveling out” of health reserves occurs. The main thing is the emergence of personal new formations, such as imagination, mastery of one’s emotions, visual-figurative thinking (formed in a real full-fledged game).
  • D.B. Elkonin: “A child’s readiness for school is determined by four lines of his development:
  • 1st line – formation of voluntary behavior;
  • Line 2 – cognitive activity (mastery of means and standards);
  • Line 3 – transition from egocentrism to decentration;
  • 4th line – motivational readiness.”
  • L.S. Vygotsky: in the second half of preschool childhood, the child is already psychologically ready, if not for school, then, in any case, for the “activity of learning.”
  • The science of preparedness
  • preschool education
  • What and how to teach preschool children.
  • TO STUDY the psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of children ready for school;
  • DETERMINE the basics of organization successful learning and education of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren;
  • HIGHLIGHT the personality qualities of a future first-grader;
under school maturity This means the level of morphological, functional and intellectual development of the child, at which the requirements of systematic training, loads of various kinds, and a new mode of life will not be overly tiring for him.
  • Psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of children ready for school.
  • School maturity means the level of morphological, functional and intellectual development of a child at which the requirements of systematic learning, loads of various kinds, and a new routine of life will not be overly tiring for him.
  • Physical fitness
  • this is a state of health, a certain level of morpho-functional maturity of the child’s body, the necessary level of development of motor skills and qualities, especially fine motor coordination, physical and mental performance.
  • activity, initiative, independence, responsibility;
  • the ability to listen to another and coordinate your actions with him;
  • follow established rules, ability to work in a group;
  • this is a certain level of arbitrariness of behavior, the formation of communication, self-esteem and motivation for learning (cognitive and social);
  • Personal readiness
  • Development imaginative thinking, imagination and creativity, the foundations of verbal and logical thinking,
  • mastering the means of cognitive activity (comparison, analysis, classification, generalization, schematization, modeling); native language and basic forms of speech (dialogue, monologue); elements of educational activity within other specifically children's activities (construction, drawing, modeling, various games)
  • Intelligent Readiness
  • Intelligent Readiness
  • the emergence of decentration (taking into account the position of another person when analyzing the situation);
  • identifying a task from the general context of activity, awareness and generalization of solution methods, planning and control; children have ideas about the world of people, things, and nature.
  • Psychological portrait of a preschool educational institution graduate
Health group
  • 1. Health and physical development
  • Health group
  • compliance of anthropometric indicators with age norms
  • Liberty,
  • ease of movement,
  • shoulders apart
  • body straight,
  • gait is natural, elastic,
  • naturalness and variety in poses, their changeability;
  • the look is direct, open, interested;
  • facial expressions are lively, expressive, calm.
  • 3. Development of movements:
  • transferring a group of small objects (matches) one at a time into a box with two fingers;
  • maintaining static balance while standing on a drawn line (the heel of one foot touches the toe of the other);
  • running with overcoming obstacles (running around objects like a snake);
  • throwing the ball and catching it (without pressing it to the chest, at least 10-20 times);
  • standing long jump (jump length is at least 100 - 120 cm).
  • 4. Social development:
  • Able to communicate with familiar adults;
  • Selectively and consistently interacts with familiar children (members of various interest groups);
  • Feels the mood of loved ones and peers.
  • Can provide emotional support and assistance in cases of difficulty.
  • Regulates his behavior based on learned rules and norms.
  • Has an idea of ​​himself and his capabilities.
  • 5. Development of speech and verbal communication:
  • Pronounces all sounds of his native language correctly.
  • Able to identify sounds in a word.
  • Speaks in simple, common sentences.
  • Constructs complex sentences correctly.
  • Composes a coherent story based on the plot picture.
  • Maintains dialogue and knows how to attract attention with his speech.
  • The speech is lexically rich (generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, comparisons).
  • 6. Cognitive development:
  • Has an idea about nature, about the man-made world, about his city, country.
  • Familiar with the culture of life;
  • Asks questions, experiments, establishes cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Arranges ten or more objects of the same shape by size.
  • Can combine items based on general concepts(clothes, shoes, dishes, transport, etc.).
  • Can remember in a situation didactic game 6-7 names of objects.
  • 6. Cognitive development.
  • Uses an unfinished figure (incomplete image or unfinished structure) as a detail of a plot composition (in design, drawing, appliqué).
  • Can independently realize his own ideas in the game.
  • Implements plans in design and other productive activities.
  • Uses visual models and symbolic means (plans, diagrams, colors) to understand the world around them.
  • Carries out activities according to samples and rules.
  • Can work at the same pace and rhythm with other children in the group.
  • 7. Aesthetic development:
  • Familiar with literary works
  • He can write a fairy tale.
  • Creates individual artistic images using expressive means(color, composition, shape, rhythm, etc.) in different types visual activities;
  • independently, creatively embodies the idea in drawing, modeling, appliqué;
  • Confident in technical skills and abilities;
  • Perceives music emotionally
  • Competencies:
  • social,
  • communicative
  • intellectual
  • physical.
  • Character traits:
  • emotionality
  • creativity
  • arbitrariness
  • initiative
  • independence
  • responsibility
  • self-esteem
  • freedom of behavior
  • reflexivity
  • Criteria for the quality of education INDIVIDUALS of preschool age
  • Ability to manage your emotions;
  • Demonstration of the ability to perform educational activities;
  • ability to accept a learning task
  • An adequate attitude towards yourself.
  • crisis 7 years


Entering school is an extremely important moment, both for the child himself and for his parents. Understanding the importance of preparing children for school, even months in advance school year You can organize targeted developmental activities with children that will help them in this new stage of life.

Parents can do a lot for a child in this regard.- his first and most important educators.

Psychological readiness for schooling involves the following components:

First of all, the child must have a desire to go to school -motivation to learn;

Must be formedsocial positionschoolchild: he must be able to interact with peers, fulfill the teacher’s requirements, and control his behavior;

It is important that the childwas healthy and resilient, otherwise it will be difficult for him to withstand the load during the lesson and the entire school day;

He must havegood mental development , which is the basis for successful mastery school knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as to maintain an optimal pace intellectual activity so that the child has time to work together with the class.

Sometimes parents think that if a child knows how to read, write and count before school, then he is guaranteed success. However teaching practice shows that often such children, having easily started studying, suddenly, completely unexpectedly for their parents, begin to reduce their success.

Why? It is very important that by the time the child enters school, he or she has developed such cognitive processes, such as attention, memory, thinking, imagination, motor skills.

I offer you material that will give you an idea of ​​your child’s readiness for learning, will help you determine which abilities of your child are best developed, which are at a sufficient level, and which still need to be worked on.

A preschool child has truly enormous developmental opportunities and cognitive abilities. Help your child develop and realize their potential. Don't waste your time. It will pay for itself many times over. Your child will cross the threshold of school with confidence, learning will not be a burden for him, but a joy, and you will have no reason to be upset about his progress.

To make your efforts effective, use the following tips:

1. Don’t let your child get bored during classes. If a child has fun learning, he learns better. The interest he makes children creative personalities and gives them the opportunity to experience satisfaction from intellectual pursuits.

2.Repeat the exercises. The development of a child's mental abilities is determined by time and practice. If an exercise doesn’t work out, take a break, return to it later, or offer your child an easier option.

3. Don't be overly concerned about not making enough progress or making enough progress.

4. Be patient, do not rush, do not give your child tasks that exceed his intellectual capabilities.

5. When working with a child, moderation is needed. Do not force your child to do exercises if he is fidgety, tired, or upset; do something else. Try to determine the limits of your child’s endurance and increase the duration of classes by a very short time each time.

6. Preschool children do not perceive strictly regulated, repetitive, monotonous activities well. Therefore, when conducting classes, it is better to choose a game form.

7. Develop your child’s communication skills and spirit of cooperation.

8. Avoid disapproving assessments, find words of support, praise your child more often for his patience, perseverance, etc. Never emphasize his weaknesses in comparison with other children. Build his confidence in his abilities.

And most importantly, try not to perceive activities with your child as hard work, rejoice and enjoy the communication process, and never lose your sense of humor. Remember that you have a great opportunity to make friends with your child.

Good luck to you and have more faith in yourself and your child’s capabilities!

Tests and exercises for the future first-grader

  • General preparation

Every child should know the answers to these questions

1. Name yours full name and last name.

2. How old are you?

3. State your date of birth.

4. State your mother’s name and patronymic.

5. Where and who does she work for?

6. State your dad’s name and patronymic.

7. Where and who does he work for?

8. Do you have a brother or sister? How old are they? Are they older or younger than you?

9. Give your home address.

10. What city do you live in?

11. What is the name of the country in which you live?

12. Do you want to go to school? Why? Do you like working out?

The ability to act according to the rules.

“Yes” and “no” technique

You and I will play a game in which you cannot say the words “yes” and “no.” Repeat, what words should not be spoken? ("Yes and no"). Now be careful, I will ask questions, and you will answer them, but without the words “yes” and “no.”

Trial questions (not scored):

Do you like ice cream? (I like ice cream)

Does the hare run slowly? (The hare runs fast)


1.Is the ball made of rubber?

2.Can you eat fly agaric?

3.Is the snow white?

4. Is the fox red?

5. Is a crow smaller than a sparrow?

Is the frog crowing?

Can pigeons swim?

Does the clock have one hand?

Are bears white?

Does a cow have two legs?

Evaluation of the results obtained:

High level – not a single mistake was made

Average level – one, two errors

Low level – more than two errors

  • Attention

Check how well your child's attention is developed.

Exercise 1 : I will say the words, if you hear the name of the flower, clap your hands.

Carrot, poppy, tit, airplane, chamomile, pencil, notebook, comb, aster, grass, rose, birch, bush, leaf, branch, gladiolus, ant, peony, spy, pirate, tree, forget-me-not, cup, pencil case, cornflower.


Average level – 1-2 errors

Low level – more than 2 errors

Task 2 : Clap your hands when you hear a sound in the words I say A .

Watermelon, bus, pineapple, iron, hat, bow, fox, wolf, bear.


High level - no errors

Average level – 1 error

Low level – 2 or more errors

Task 3 : I'll name four words, and you name two of them that sound similar.

Onion, bear, grass, beetle.

Donkey, sled, watering can, cans.

Teddy bear, shirt, pine cone, birch.

  • Memory

A child's success at school largely depends on his memory. Using the tasks below (it is better to do no more than one task per day), you can evaluate your child’s memory. Don't be discouraged if the results aren't great. Memory can be developed!

Exercise 1 : Listen carefully to 10 words and try to remember them.

Ball, cat, forest, window, mushroom, clock, wind, table, glasses, book.

Ask your child to repeat the words he remembers in any order.

Result :

At least 6 words – high level

4-5 words – intermediate level

Less than 4 words – low level

Task 2: Read the phrases to your child one at a time and ask them to repeat each one.

1.Mushrooms grow in the forest.

2. It was raining heavily in the morning.

3.Mom reads an interesting book to the children.

4.Vova and Sasha carried red and blue balloons.

Result : It’s good if the child repeated the phrase word for word the first time and did not change the words.

High level – repeated all 4 phrases accurately

Average level – only 1 phrase wrong

Low level – made a mistake in 2 phrases or more

Task 3: Listen and memorize the poem.

Read this poem to your child and ask him to repeat it. If the child repeated it with errors, read it again and ask him to repeat it again. The poem can be read no more than 4 times.

The snowball is fluttering, spinning,

It's white outside.

And puddles turned

In cold glass.

Result :

High level - repeated the poem verbatim after 1-2 readings

Intermediate level – repeated the poem verbatim after 3-4 readings

Low level – made mistakes after 4 readings

Task 4: Listen carefully to the pairs of words and try to remember them.

Read all 10 pairs of words to your child. Then tell the child only the first word of the pair, and let him remember the second word.

Autumn - rain

Vase - flowers

Doll - dress


Book - page

Water is a fish

Car - wheel

House - window

Kennel - dog

Clock - hands

Result :

High level – 8-10 pairs of words

Intermediate level – 5-7 pairs of words

Low level – less than 5 pairs of words

Task 5: An exercise to develop the volume of short-term auditory memory “Word Cascade”.

Ask your child to repeat the words after you. Start with one word, then say two words, the child must repeat in the same sequence, three words, etc. (intervals between words are 1 second).

When the child cannot repeat a certain word series, read to him the same number of words, but different ones (for this you should prepare another list of words).

If in the second attempt the child copes with this word series, then move on to the next series, and so on until in the second reading the child is unable to reproduce specified quantity words

  1. Fire.
  2. Home, milk.
  3. Horse mushroom, needle.
  4. Rooster, sun, asphalt, notebook.
  5. Roof, tree stump, water, candle, school.
  6. Pencil, car, brother, chalk, bird, bread.
  7. Eagle, game, oak, telephone, glass, son, coat.
  8. Mountain, crow, clock, table, snow, book, pine, honey.
  9. Ball, apple, hat, carrot, chair, butterfly, subway, chicken, socks.
  10. Truck, stone, berries, briefcase, sled, hammer, girl, tablecloth, watermelon, monument.
  • Thinking

The child discovers the world and learns to think. He learns to analyze and generalize, to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Your child may have difficulty completing these tasks. In this case, explain to him the principle of performing tasks, and then offer him similar exercises.

Exercise 1 : Answer the questions:

1.What is there more in the garden – potatoes or vegetables?

2. Who are more in the forest - hares or animals?

3.What is there more in the closet – clothes or dresses?

Answers: 1- vegetables, 2- animals, 3- clothes.

Task 2: Read stories to your child and ask them to answer a question after each story.

1. Sasha and Petya were dressed in jackets of different colors: blue and green. Sasha was not wearing a blue jacket.

What color jacket was Petya wearing? (blue)

2.Olya and Lena painted with paints and pencils. Olya did not paint with paints. What did Lena draw with? (paints)

3. Alyosha and Misha read poems and fairy tales. Alyosha didn’t read fairy tales.What did Misha read? (fairy tales)

4. Three trees grow: birch, oak and pine. Birch is lower than oak, and oak is lower than pine. Which tree is the tallest? What's the lowest?

5. Seryozha, Zhenya and Anton competed to see who could run faster. Seryozha ran faster than Zhenya, and Zhenya came faster than Anton. Who was the first to arrive and who was the last?

6. Once upon a time there were three puppies: Kuzya, Tuzik and Sharik. Kuzya is fluffier than Tuzik, and Tuzik is fluffier than Sharik. Which puppy is the fluffiest? Which one is the smoothest?

Task 3: Answer the questions:

1.Which animal is larger - a horse or a dog?

2. In the morning we have breakfast, and at noon...?

3. It’s light during the day, but at night...?

4.The sky is blue, and the grass...?

5. Cherry, plum, cherry – is this...?

6.Why are barriers lowered along the track before the train passes?

7.What are Moscow, Kaluga, Kursk?

8.What is the difference between day and night?

9. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is...? The little sheep is...?

10.Does a dog look more like a cat or a chicken? What do they have the same?

11.Why do all cars have brakes?

12.How are a hammer and an ax similar?

13.How are squirrels and cats similar to each other?

14.What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were lying here next to you, on the table?

15.Football, tennis, swimming – is this...?

16.What types of transport do you know?

17.What is the difference? old man from a young man?

18.Why do people play sports?

19.Why is it shameful to avoid work?

20.Why do you need to put a stamp on a letter?

Whenever possible, try to have your child give 2-4 answer options when asking him the question: “And also?”

The norm is at least 15 correct answers.

Task 4: Find the extra word:

Read a group of words to your child. 3 words in each are close in meaning and can be combined based on a common feature, and 1 word differs from them and should be excluded. Invite your child to find the extra word.

1.Old, decrepit, small, dilapidated.

2.Brave, angry , brave, courageous.

3.Apple, plum, cucumber, pear.

4.Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread .

5. Hour, minute, summer, second.

6. Spoon, plate, bag, pan.

7.Dress, hat , shirt, sweater.

8. Soap, toothpaste, broom, shampoo.

9.Birch, oak, pine, strawberry

10. Book , TV, tape recorder, radio.

Task 5: An exercise to develop mental flexibility.

Invite your child to name as many words as possible that denote a concept.

1.Name the words for trees.

2.Name words related to sports.

3.Name the words denoting animals.

4.Name the words for domestic animals.

5.Name the words denoting ground transport.

6.Name the words denoting air transport.

7.Name the words denoting water transport.

8.Name words related to art.

9.Name the words for vegetables.

10.Name the words for fruit.

  • Speech development

By the age of 6-7 years, the child’s speech should be coherent and logical, with rich vocabulary. The baby must correctly hear and pronounce all the sounds of his native language. Development oral speech– the main condition for successful mastery of writing and reading.

Talk to your child more, ask him to retell the cartoons he watches, the books he reads. Offer to compose stories based on pictures.

If your child has difficulty pronouncing certain sounds or has difficulty distinguishing sounds by ear, then you should seek help from a speech therapist.

Exercise 1 : Determine by ear what sounds the words differ in.

Read a few words to your child. The child must give an answer after each pair.

A goat is a scythe, a game is a needle, a daughter is a dot, a day is a shadow, a kidney is a barrel.


High level - no errors

Average level – 1 error

Task 2 : Clap your hands when you hear a different sound.

Read the chains of sounds to your child.






High level - no errors

Average level – 1 error

Low level – 2 or more errors

Task 3 : Clap your hands when you hear a word that has a different sound from the others.

Read a series of words to your child.

Frame, frame, frame, lama, frame.

Kolobok, kolobok, box, kolobok.

Braid, braid, braid, goat, braid.


High level - no errors

Average level – 1 error

Low level – 2 or more errors

Task 4 : Choose the words that are opposite in meaning correctly.

The child must correctly choose the opposite word for each of the proposed ones. An error is considered to be an answer of the “loud – soft” type.

Slow – (fast)

Day Night)

Hot Cold)

Thick – (thin)

Kind angry)


High level - no errors

Average level – 1 error

Low level – 2 or more errors

Task 5 : Answer the questions.

Read the questions to your child. He must choose the right words for each of the proposed ones.

What happens: sour, fast, red, soft?

Who can: jump, swim, growl, sing?

What is he doing: fish, plane, frog, car?


High level - no errors

Average level – 1-2 errors

Low level – 3 or more errors

Task 6 : Explain the meaning of the words.

Read the word to the child. Ask for an explanation of its meaning. Before performing this task, explain to your child how to complete it using the example of the word “chair”. When explaining, the child must name the group to which this object belongs (a chair is furniture), say what this object consists of (the chair is made of wood) and explain what it is needed for (it is needed in order to sit on it).

Notebook, plane, pencil, table.


High level – the child explained all the concepts correctly

Intermediate level – the child explained 2-3 concepts correctly

Low level – the child explained no more than one concept correctly

Task 7 : Listen carefully to the story.

Read the story to your child and ask him to answer questions.


In the morning, first-grader Tolya left the house. There was a blizzard outside. The trees rustled menacingly. The boy got scared, stood under the poplar, thinking: “I won’t go to school. Scary".

Then he saw Sasha standing under a linden tree. Sasha lived nearby, he was also getting ready for school and was also scared.

The boys saw each other. They felt happy. They ran towards each other, held hands and went to school together.

The blizzard howled and whistled, but it was no longer scary.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Answer the questions:

1.Who was mentioned in the story?

2.What grade did the boys study in?

3. Why did the boys feel happy?


High level – the child answered all questions correctly

Intermediate level – the child answered 2 questions correctly

Low level – the child answered only 1 question correctly

  • The world

At the time of entering school, a child must have a certain amount of knowledge and ideas about the world around him. It’s good if he has basic knowledge about plants and animals, the properties of objects and phenomena, knowledge of geography and astronomy, and an idea of ​​time. Listed below are the basic questions about the world around us that a child should be able to answer.


Name the seasons and signs of each season.

How are wild animals different from domestic animals?

What benefits do pets bring?

What predatory animals do you know?

What herbivores do you know?

Name the migratory and wintering birds. Why are they called that?

What herbs, trees, shrubs do you know?

How are herbs different from trees and shrubs?

Name garden and wildflowers.

What are the names of the fruits of pine, oak, and apple trees?

What natural phenomena do you know?


Name the parts of the day in order.

What is the difference between day and night?

Name the days of the week in order.

Name the spring, summer, autumn, winter months of the year.

What is longer: a minute or an hour, a day or a week, a month or a year?

Name the months in order.


What countries do you know?

What cities do you know, in what countries are they located?

What is the difference between a city and a village?

What rivers do you know?

How is a river different from a lake?

What planets do you know?

What planet do we live on?

What is the name of the Earth's satellite?

4.Peace and man

Name the professions:

Who teaches the children?

Who heals people?

Who writes poetry?

Who composes the music?

Who paints the pictures?

Who builds houses?

Who drives cars?

Who sews the clothes?

Who plays in films and theater?

What item is needed to:

Measure time;

Talk at a distance;

Watch the stars;

Measure weight;

Measure the temperature?

What sports do you know?

What sports require a ball? Skates?

What musical instruments do you know?

What writers do you know?

What is honesty, kindness, greed, cowardice, laziness, hard work?

Why do you need to study? Work?

How to cross the road correctly?

5.Properties of objects.

What is wood, glass, metal, plastic?

What is soft, hard, friable, smooth, liquid, sharp?

List of used literature:

1. Gavrina S.E., Kutyavina N.L., Toporkova I.G. Shcherbinina S.V. is your child ready for school? Book of tests. - M.: LLC Publishing House "Rosman-Press". - 2002. - 80 pp. - (School for preschool children)

2. Kovaleva E.S., Sinitsyna E.I.. Preparing the child for school. - M.: List New, Veche, KARO 2001.-256 p., ill.

3. Chivikova N.Yu. How to prepare your child for school. - M.: Rolf, 2001. - 208 p.



1 DAY.



There are miracles in this house:

A lot of desks, a wasp bell,

Silence rang,

It's time to start the lesson.

What is this? / SCHOOL/

Today you all became students of the ABVGDeyka school. Although our school is small, it is already a school. Each school has its own rules. Want to know which ones?

    If you want to answer, don't make noise,

Just raise your hand.

    If you want to answer, you have to stand up,

When they allow you to sit down, sit down.

    A desk is not a bed and you cannot lie on it.

    Sit well at your desk and behave with dignity.


I will name different items, and you will clap your hands if they are school supplies.



The teacher asks a question and throws the ball to the child, the child answers the question and throws the ball back.

    How should you address the teacher at school?

    If you need to ask the teacher about something, what should you do?

    If you need to go to the toilet during class, what should you say?

    How do you know when it's time to go to class?

    Why change?

    What is the name of the room in school where children study?

    What is the name of the table at school where children sit?

    Where does the teacher write when explaining a task?

    What grades are good in school and what are bad?

    What are vacations?


    Today we will go to a fairy tale known to all of you. And what kind of fairy tale this is, the words “They pull, they pull, but they can’t pull it out” will help you guess.

    Let's remember this fairy tale. What heroes were there?

    Do you want to dramatize this fairy tale?


First we need to choose a grandfather. Who wants to be a grandfather?

Grandfather knew how to do everything: dig the ground, plant turnips, and protect the harvest. He also knew all the vegetables.

Name the vegetables, whoever names the last vegetable will be the grandfather.


Who wants to become a grandmother?

Who will meet you at the door

And he will teach you to write,

Read a lot of books

And he will give you all a “5” (teacher)

Whoever guesses the riddle will become a grandmother.


Smile competition. We will count to three, after which you will smile widely, with all your heart. Who will have the most beautiful smile, he will be a granddaughter.


The bug guards the house and must growl well; whoever growls best will be the bug.


A simple question for kids: who is a cat afraid of? (DOGS).


Describe the mouse. What is she like? Who will call the last word, he will be the mouse.



If I say:

Grandfather - you are “chopping wood”,

BABKA – you “knit”

GRANDDAUGHTER – “you jump”

CAT – “you wash your face”

BUG - “wag your tail”

MOUSE - “squeak”


Let's try to depict the heroes of a fairy tale using diagrams and tell a fairy tale according to the diagram









Now we are going to visit our grandparents, but it is not easy to get to them. We open notebooks with the words:

I'll open my notebook,

And I’ll put it on an angle.

I won’t hide it from you, friends,

I hold the pencil like this.

I’ll sit straight and won’t bend over,

I'll get to work.

In order for our fingers to obey, we need to give them a massage.


    This finger is the thickest, strongest and largest.

    This finger is for showing it.

    This finger is the longest and stands in the middle.

    This ring finger is the restless one.

    And the little finger, although small, is very dexterous and daring.

9) Familiar with the concepts of “LEAF”, “PAGE”, “CELL”.

In the middle of the sheet we need to draw a path along which we will go. The path must be straight.

Show top right corner, top left corner

Show bottom right, bottom left corner.

Draw a turnip in the upper right corner.

Draw a grandmother in the lower right corner.

Draw the grandfather in the lower left corner.

Draw a mouse in the upper left corner.


(automation sound Sh-Sh-Sh)

The "cat" sits on a chair, the other children - the "mice" - quietly approach the cat and, shaking their fingers at each other, say in a low voice:

Hush, hush, hush than a mouse!

The cat is sitting on our roof.

Mouse, mouse, beware

And don't get caught by the cat!

The cat wakes up, says “MEOW”, jumps up and chases the mice.



Let's count the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip". How many are there? (7)

Who's first? (grandfather)

Who stands between grandma and Zhuchka? (granddaughter)

Who is standing in front of the mouse? (cat)

Who is behind the granddaughter? (Bug).

Place as many circles on the typesetting canvas as there are heroes in the fairy tale.

The mouse ran away. How many heroes are left? (6)

How many heroes are there fewer?

And then the cat ran away after the mouse. How many heroes are left? (5)


Remember who is behind whom: grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, grandfather, mouse, cat.

Close your eyes. At this time, the teacher changes the characters of the fairy tale. Children open their eyes and say what has changed. Repeats several times.


The cat has three kittens

They meow loudly.

We look into the basket.

Where did one go?

Suddenly we see from behind the bench

The cat takes him out

He was the first to stand on his feet

And he got out of the basket.

How many kittens can’t walk yet? (2)

Vaska the cat is a fisherman,

Brought a big catch:

Five huge perches

3 less crucian carp.

What's the cat's catch?

Who is ready to answer me? (7)

Our granddaughter is fed up

Then our granddaughter became

Alone sitting on a tree

Another one is looking out the window,

Three sitting on the roof

To hear everything.

So tell me how many birds

Did your granddaughter count? (5)


We did a good job

They drew and frolicked,

But it's time for us to say goodbye

Goodbye, kids.

DAY 2.


(pictures with clues are placed on the typesetting canvas)

Small in stature, but brave

He galloped away from me. (BALL)

It beats the shot and helps you walk. (DRUM)

There are different girlfriends nearby,

But they look alike.

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy. (MATRYOSHKA)

The baby is dancing, but only one leg. (YULA)

What a stubborn man!

You can't force me to lie down forever.

Have you come across one like this?

She doesn't want to sleep at all

I'll put it down, he gets up again. (ROLL-UP)

How can you describe in one word all the objects placed on the typesetting canvas? (TOYS)

Why does a person need toys?

Tell us about your favorite toys.



Our Masha got up early,

I counted all the dolls:

Two nesting dolls are on the window,

Two Tanyas - on the pillow,

Two Irinkas - on a feather bed.

And Parsley in a cap -

On an oak chest -

How many dolls does Masha have? (7)


Pictures with animals are displayed according to their names: FOX, WOLF, HARE, COW, BEAR, ELK.

What animal can you say about:

    Gray, predatory, greedy... (WOLF)

    Big, club-footed... (BEAR)

    Red-haired, cunning, dexterous... (FOX)

    Kind, pockmarked, motley... (CHICKEN)

    Oblique, weak, cowardly... (HARE)

    Fast, elky... (ELK)

Which animal comes first? (WOLF)

What animal stands between the fox and the hare? (CHICKEN)

What is the third animal? (FOX)

What animal is to the right of the hare? (ELK)

What animal is to the left of the moose? (HARE)

Which animal is the odd one out? Why? (CHICKEN - poultry)


I will name the animals, if it is a domestic animal, clap, if it is a wild animal, stomp.



Let's say the word "FOX". How many sounds did we make? (4)

Draw as many circles as there are sounds in the word “FOX”.

Now say the word “WOLF”. How many sounds did you make? Draw as many triangles as there are sounds in the word?

How can you show sounds in writing? (In letters)

Who knows the letters? Make up the words FOX, WOLF from the cut alphabet.

7 . GAME "HARN JUMPING" (children draw a bunny path)

Label the bunny with a dot.

The bunny jumped 2 squares to the right,

Jumped 3 squares down

5 spaces to the right,

1 square up

3 spaces to the left,

Up 2 squares.

8. ACTIVE GAME “HARES AND FOX” (automation of 3-C sounds in text)

Children stand in a circle, holding hands, with the leader inside the circle being a fox.

A gray bunny is jumping near the old pines,

It's scary to fall into the little fox's paws.

Bunnies, prick up your ears, look to the right, to the left,

Isn't anyone coming?

The children shout "Fox". The fox is catching up with the hares.





Circle it. Shade it with a spiral.

Circle the square. Shade it from top to bottom.

Circle the triangle. Shade it from left to right.

Trace a rectangle. Shade it with slanted lines from top to bottom.


Hands to the side


sit down






Guess the riddles, find the clue pictures.

Grayish in color,

The gait is baggy,

Thieving habit

The screamer is hoarse. (CROW)

The fidget is motley.

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one. (MAGPIE)

Every year I fly to you,

I want to spend the winter with you,

And even redder in winter

My bright red tie (BUFFIN)

You've seen him more than once,

He gallops two steps away from us.

Chip-tweet - don't be shy

I'm experienced... (SPARROW)

Even though I'm not a hammer -

I'm knocking on wood.

Every corner is in it

I want to explore.

I wear a red hat

And the acrobat is wonderful. (WOODPECKER)

How can you call all these objects in one word? (BIRDS)

Describe each bird.

What is special about the appearance of each bird?

How are all these birds similar? (wintering)

Many birds stay with us for the winter. Winter can be very harsh.

How can we help birds in winter?


Place the bird cards so that the sparrow is first.

Place a crow between the sparrow and the magpie.

Place the bullfinch last.

Place the woodpecker fourth.


"If you like it, then do it"

Come on, clap like me (2 claps)

Only here they clap like that! (2 claps)

Come on, stomp like me (2 stomps)

Come on, all together, all at once...

Only here they stomp like that! (2 floods)

Come on, meow like me (meow-meow)

Come on, meow like me (meow-meow)

Come on, all together, all at once...

Only here they meow! (Meow meow)

Come on, bark like me (woof-woof)

Come on, all together, all at once...

Only here they bark like that! (Bow-wow)

Come on, grunt like me (oink-oink)

Come on, all together, all at once...

Only here they grunt like that! (oink-oink)


"What changed"

Children look at pictures of birds, then close their eyes. The teacher swaps the pictures. Children guess what has changed.



(Working with individual sets)

  • Place as many squares as there are birds in the pictures. How many squares did you put? (6)

    Place 5 triangles below. What more? Less of what? How much more? How much less?

    How to make the number of squares and triangles equal?


Each bird has its own house. Let's build a house for a starling - a birdhouse.

What figures do we need for this? (triangle, rectangle, circle)

Shade the resulting birdhouse.


    Circle one cell and color it black.

    Take a red pencil, count four cells to the right from the black cell, and fill in the fifth with a red pencil.

    Take a blue pencil. From the red cell, move down 2 cells, and color the third with a blue pencil

    Take a green pencil. Color the cell located to the left of the blue one and one cell from it green.

    Take a yellow pencil. Count five cells upward from the green cell, and color the sixth with a yellow pencil.


Differentiation of whistling and hissing sounds.

Geese, geese!


Do you want to eat?

Yes Yes Yes!

Gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home!


The chicken, duckling and gosling went for a walk. How differently they could stand. There are 6 options, let's find them.

C – U – G

C – G – U

U - C - G

U – G – C

G – U – C

G - C - U

It's time for the cubs to go home, find their mothers.






    Draw a human figure.

    Copy the phrase from the stencil: She was given tea or he ate soup.

    Copy ten drawn dots from the stencil, placing them one below the other on equal distance vertically and horizontally.



There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt

Heart of gold,

What it is? (CHAMOMILE)

What is chamomile? (flower)

What other flowers do you know?

Place as many circles as there are sounds in the word “daisy” (7)


Which geometric figures do we need to build a daisy?

Shade the daisy.

Place the letters on the daisy. What letters do you know?

What letters are these? Why?

A, O, Y, I, U.

Hidden in the middle of the daisy is another letter. Guess what letter this is:

On this letter, like on a ladder

I sit and sing songs. (H)

How is it pronounced?


Come up with words. Which start with the letter "N".


If I show:

A - clap,

Oh - squat


Automation of the sound "sh"

Carousels, carousels

You and I got on the boat,

We sat down and drove off (imitate rowing and pronounce the sound “sh”)

Carousels, carousels

You and I got on a horse,

They sat down and rode off (they imitate horsemen and click their tongues to the beat)

Carousels, carousels

You and I got into the car,

We sat down and drove off (turn the steering wheel and pronounce the sound “zh”)

Carousels, carousels

You and I boarded the train,

They sat down and drove off (they line up like a train and say “choo-choo”)

Carousels, carousels

We boarded the plane with you,

They sat down and drove off (spread their arms like wings and say “sh”)





Counting items.

Comparison of items

Leveling items.

(flowers - butterflies, hares - carrots)

Count how many butterflies have flown to the flowers.

Place as many circles as we have butterflies (5)

How many circles must be removed so that there are 3 left? (2)


The hedgehog walked through the forest

I found mushrooms for lunch.

Alone under the birch tree

Two - under the aspen.

How many mushrooms are there in a wicker basket? (3)

In a clearing near an oak tree

The mole saw two fungi.

He found another one.

Who is ready to answer us?

How many mushrooms did the mole find? (3)

Arinka entered the class,

And behind her is Marinka,

And then Ignat came in.

How many children are in the class? (3)

A rooster flew up onto the fence,

Met two more there.

How many roosters are there?

Who has the answer? (3)

3 apples. One to rip

The little hand continues to stretch.

How many of them will remain? (2)


    How many girls are there in the class?

    How many boys are there in the class?

    What is there only one thing in the class, and what can you say “a lot” about?

    how many desks are there in the class?

    How many chairs are there in the classroom?

    How many desks are occupied by students, and how many are free?

    Are there more desks or chairs in the classroom?


Orientation in space (“Do you know your student” p. 16-18)

Determination of the leading hand.



He is friends with the owner,

The house is guarded

Lives under the porch

Tail in a ring. DOG

Place as many circles as there are sounds in the word dog (6)

Why do you think a man tamed a dog?

What kind of work does a dog do?

How do you understand the words “A dog is man’s friend?”



Who came to visit us?

What letters are hidden on the man?

How many identical letters did you encounter?

U-2, O – 3, A-1, N-1, S-1.


The teacher shows the letters and the children perform the movements.

A- jump

U - clap your hands

O - sit down

N- arms to the sides

C - stand up straight.


Vasya put the dog and puppy into the boat and sailed away. Let's show them the way.

1 cell to the right - 2 cells up - 3 cells to the right - 4 cells down - 5 cells to the right - 1 cell up - 2 cells to the left - 2 cells up - 4 cells to the right.



The players stand in a circle and join hands, the leader is in the center. He explains the task: if they agree with the statement, they raise their hands up and shout “yes”; if they disagree, they lower their hands and shout “no”

    Are there fireflies in the field?

    Are there any fish in the sea?

    Does a calf have wings?

    Does the pig have the key?

    Does the mountain have a ridge?

    Are there doors to the hole?

    Does a rooster have a tail?

    Does the violin have a key?

    Does the verse rhyme?

    Does it have errors?


Here's how many "K" words I can say:

Pan, coffee pot, box, bed,

Cow, apartment, painting, carpet,

Storage room, gate, chest of drawers, corridor.

- What words starting with the letter “K” do you know?

Oh, that's enough! And the sound can get tired too!

But what can you name with a “T”?

(children name words starting with the letter “t”)

Axe, stool, plate and spoon,

I seem to have messed something up a little.

- What words starting with the letter “t” do you know?

Well, okay, I won't get confused anymore.

Better yet, I’ll name the dishes starting with “C”:

A glass, a frying pan, a salt shaker and... a cat.

Where is the cat from? She climbed into the window!

Better ask the cat where it came from,

And are all the dishes in the kitchen intact?

- What words starting with the letter “S” do you know?

- Find words starting with the letter “C” in the picture?

- How many sounds are in the word “elephant”? (4)

- Compose this word on a typesetting canvas.



What breeds of dogs do you know? (post 6 pictures of dogs of different breeds)

Place as many circles as you can see dogs on the typesetting canvas. (6)

How many dogs must be removed to leave 4 dogs? (2)

What are more circles or dogs?

How can I make it equal?

Game "What has changed."


What has changed in your face?

When does such a face appear?

Build a man using patterns and shade him


Find the gnome's house along the given path

- “Complete the ninth” (kittens, geometric shapes)