Methods for developing phonemic hearing in preschoolers. How to develop phonemic awareness and why is it needed? 10 development of phonemic hearing in children

Greetings, dear readers! Modern, conscious parents strive to develop their children in every possible way, from the first year of life, and rightly so! And the development of phonemic hearing should be one of the main tasks. Why? It's simple! Without this, the baby simply will not be able to recognize sounds in the stream of speech, and will not be able to successfully master writing and reading in the future.

That is, the development of phonemic awareness is the first step in preparing a child to learn to read.

How to develop phonemic awareness in children? What games and activities are most effective for this? In this material we will talk about the importance of this skill and how it needs to be trained in children of different ages.

What is phonemic awareness? This concept has nothing to do with the question of whether the baby hears. He can hear perfectly! But at the same time, to the horror of the parents, do not utter individual sounds, say as if your mouth is “full of porridge.” Or - skip entire syllables, replace individual sounds with others, and so on. All these speech difficulties are caused by underdeveloped phonemic hearing.

Phonemic hearing helps us recognize sounds (phonemes) in speech. Consequently, it helps to distinguish words that are phonetically similar and to understand them correctly. For example, adults will easily understand the meaning of the words house-com-scrap. Even if you say them quickly.

Phonemic hearing disorders

Problems with this skill provoke the following difficulties in a child:

  • he simply confuses similar sounds;
  • cannot speak coherently;
  • this creates difficulties when it comes time to learn to read and write;
  • “chews” words, does not pronounce individual sounds;
  • his speech is difficult to understand.

Does your child have similar problems? early childhood, at 4 years old, or even later? If yes, you simply must take action! Otherwise, this defect will take hold, and it will become increasingly difficult to correct it. How to overcome this problem? More on this later.

Development of phonemic awareness at an early age

It is very important not to miss the moment and teach the baby to listen and notice sounds literally from birth. Talk to him, use different sounds, play with rattles.

Pay attention to different noises, such as a truck whose engine is louder. Here comes the tractor, it’s making holes, the leaves are rustling in the park. It started to rain - the drops were dripping “drip-drip” and so on.

After a year, practicing with musical instruments will be very useful. Take, for example, the pipe and tambourine. Demonstrate sounds. Give the baby tools.

Let him hold them in his hands, try to play with them or even make a sound.

Now let him turn away. Shake the tambourine and let the baby guess which instrument is playing. Turning back, let him point with his finger what sounded. You can gradually increase the set. Add a drum, guitar, xylophone, maracas, bells, whatever you have in the house. Repeat the exercise several times, every day or every other day.

At about one and a half to two years of age, the baby begins to speak. And this is an amazing and very joyful event, both for him and for all his loved ones.

During this period, and before that, it is extremely important to talk a lot with the child. You must pronounce the words very clearly. Pronounce endings and prepositions just as clearly. Form very simple phrases. It is extremely important that the child uses words correctly from the first attempts.

Until the age of 3, it is important to develop general skills - the ability to hear speech, listen and pronounce words. Serious, daily lessons are not needed here. Since it is still difficult to judge whether the baby will have problems with speech and hearing. There is a chance that everything will develop naturally.

Exercises and games for preschoolers

How to develop phonemic awareness if there are already impairments? Next, I offer you the most effective and interesting exercises. They will help develop this skill in a preschooler, at 4 years old, or even at 5 years old. You can study at home. An important plus is that these activity games do not require special equipment.

The task of the first lessons is to show that words consist of sounds, and can differ only in one sound, but mean different things. Here are some exercises:

  1. Invite your child to listen to how similar words differ in a rhyme. Read loudly and clearly: “Say the word thunder louder, it rumbles like thunder. Tell six little mice to be quiet, and the mice will immediately rustle.” Invite your child to repeat the rhyme so that the sounds here are different and clearly audible.
  2. Prepare 2 pictures, with a bear and with a mouse. Show me the first one, with the bear. Ask who is this? Teddy bear, he is brown, huge, lives in the forest, sleeps in a den. And this is a mouse, it is tiny, gray, lives in a mink. Explain that the words are similar but mean different animals. Say them, emphasize the difference. Let the baby say them too. The same thing applies to the words tire-car, stick-daw, stove-candle.
  3. Now together find words that are completely different, not similar: beetle-field, book-house, and so on.
  4. Ball games. Throw the child a ball and offer a word. He should throw the ball to you, saying a similar word. For example: a rubber basket, a Christmas tree winder, a laughing rattle, and so on. Also play, coming up with completely different words.
  5. Tell your child about long and short words. Give examples. Offer to find in the room what the name says are long words. Then - what is short.
  6. Offer to play as wizards who turn short words into long ones and vice versa. For example, a cat-kitten, a little fox, and so on.
  7. Now exercises with drawings. Let him name the objects from the picture loudly, clearly and clearly. You can break words into 2 parts - gal-ka, cat-tick, shish-ka. Offer to name only the first part of the word. Then - only the second. Find longer words, try breaking them into 3 parts, let the child say them out loud.

It is very important that classes are in a playful form. A child should play for pleasure, and not “do his duty.” This is the main condition, and below is a reminder that contains additional tips:

  • at 2 years old, at 3 years old classes should be very short, not exceeding 10-15 minutes;
  • do not exercise if the baby is tired, wants to sleep or eat, is in a bad mood, or is sick;
  • if you see that he is a little tired or has lost interest, stop immediately;
  • Use the above exercises, but change objects, pictures, rhymes, songs to make the lessons more varied.

Life story

My cousin's son did not have any speech or hearing impairments, fortunately. Perhaps because my cousin is a violinist. He teaches this instrument and also works as part of an orchestra.

Literally from the first days of his life, the baby heard the sounds of music. Later, his father began to introduce him to the sounds of other instruments. Even later - no rehearsals. The result was amazing - the boy spoke perfectly at the age of two.

Pronounced sounds quite clearly. He mastered reading early and did well at school. This once again proves how important sounds, and especially the sounds of musical instruments, are for the development of children.

Don't be lazy, dear parents! Develop your children's phonemic awareness, as well as speech and other skills.

Regular classes will definitely bear fruit in the form of a smart and learnable child!

Tell us about your activities with children in the comments, please! Do you have problems with speech and hearing skills? What are you doing to solve them? Be sure to subscribe to this blog if you find this material useful. See you again!

Development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers

1. The concept of “phonemic hearing”

Phonemic hearing is the ability to auditory perception sound speech, phonemes, the ability to distinguish speech sounds in their sequence in words and the ability to distinguish phonemes that are similar in sound.

Speech sounds- these are special complex formations inherent only to humans. They are produced in a child for several years after birth. This process includes complex brain systems and the periphery (speech apparatus), which are controlled by the central nervous system. The long journey of a child mastering the pronunciation system is due to the complexity of the material itself - the sounds of speech, which he must learn to perceive and reproduce.

In preschool children, the formation of phonemic hearing occurs during the perception oral speech those around them and, at the same time, with their own, they pronounced words in accordance with perceived patterns, with the help of which various features of phonemes are identified and generalized.

Speech hearing is an entirely lifelong formation; it is formed in a certain speech environment and is formed according to the laws of this environment. The hypotheses expressed by some authors about the existence of innate prototypes of language, which after birth develop under the influence of speech influences, have not received experimental confirmation.

Phonemic hearing is formed in a child in the process of learning to understand oral speech as the primary form speech activity. Mastery of the phonemic structure of a language precedes other forms of speech activity - oral speech, writing, reading, therefore phonemic hearing is the basis of the entire complex speech system and hearing loss in children leads to underdevelopment of the entire speech system (deaf-mute).

Speech, or systematized hearing, is a very complex formation. There are two levels of perception of the sound composition of speech. One of them is characterized as a level of imitation of sounds that does not require their assignment to specific letters, i.e. speech qualification of these sounds.

When the task is not just to reproduce sounds, but to attribute them to certain speech sounds (letters or categories), then in this case the perception of sounds is carried out at the phonemic level, at the level of qualification of sounds.

When perceiving speech, a child is faced with a variety of sounds in its flow: phonemes in the flow of speech are changeable. He hears many variations of sounds, which, merging into syllable sequences, form continuous components. He needs to extract a phoneme from them, while abstracting from all the sound variations of the same phoneme and identifying it by those constant (invariant) distinctive features by which one phoneme (as a unit of language) is opposed to another. If a child does not learn to do this, he will not be able to distinguish one word from another and will not be able to recognize it as identical.

In the process of speech development, a child develops phonemic hearing, since without it, as Zhurova L.E. puts it, speech generation is impossible. Phonemic hearing carries out the operations of discrimination and recognition of phonemes that make up the sound shell of a word. It is formed in the child in the process of speech development first of all. Phonetic hearing also develops, which carries out “monitoring of a continuous stream of syllables.” Since phonemes are realized in pronunciation variants - sounds (allophones), it is important that these sounds are pronounced in a standardized manner, i.e. in generally accepted, familiar implementations, otherwise they are difficult to recognize by listeners. Unusual for of this language the pronunciation is assessed by phonetic hearing as incorrect. Phonemic and phonetic hearing (they together make up speech hearing) carry out not only the reception and assessment of someone else’s speech, but also control over one’s own speech. Speech hearing is the most important stimulus for the formation of standardized pronunciation.

Thus, phonemic hearing is the main component of the perception of human speech, which helps to distinguish and recognize the phonemes that make up the sound shell of a word.

2. Stages of development of phonemic hearing

A child’s phonemic hearing begins to develop very early. From birth, the baby's hearing is not adapted to the subtle discrimination of speech sounds. In the second week of life, the child, hearing the sound of a human voice, stops sucking at his mother's breast and stops crying when they start talking to him. Towards the end of the first month of life, a baby can be soothed with a lullaby. By the end of the third month of life, he turns his head towards the speaker and follows him with his eyes. A child's hearing quickly adapts to the sounds of his native language. But the rapid development of speech hearing can inhibit all other types of auditory sensitivity. It is known, for example, that pitch hearing (musical) develops much more slowly than phonemic hearing. This happens because adults talk to the child much more often than listen to music or sing with him.

During the period of babbling, the child repeats the visible articulation of the adult’s lips and tries to imitate. Repeated repetition of the kinesthetic sensation from a certain movement leads to the consolidation of the motor articulation skill.

From the age of 6 months, the child pronounces individual phonemes, syllables by imitation, and adopts the tone, tempo, rhythm, melody and intonation of speech. The beginning of the second year - the beginning of active manipulation speech sounds: babbling acquires a completely understandable human intonation and expressiveness. Almost everyone at this age has their own favorite “words” that they constantly sing, repeat and modify.

This manipulation of sounds brings great pleasure to the baby. As soon as you hear a new, interesting-sounding word, he immediately and repeatedly repeats it in every way, modifying and distorting it, as if playing with it. Such games with words are a kind of orientation in the sound side of speech; they train the articulatory apparatus and develop speech hearing. The baby correlates the movements of his larynx with the sounds that come from it, and thus learns to control his articulation.

Many children at this age already have several words that they call individual items, but it’s still too early to talk about active speech before one and a half years, although right now everything is being laid.

At the age of one and a half to two years, an extraordinary event occurs - the child begins to speak, this is the brightest and most rapid period of speech development. If earlier he spoke only individual words, now he knows from 200 to 500 words and combines them into simple phrases.

During this period, children begin to distinguish all the subtleties of their native speech, understand and respond to words that differ in just one phoneme (bear - bowl). This is how phonemic hearing is formed - the ability to perceive the sounds of human speech. From 3 to 7 years, the child increasingly develops the skill of auditory control over his pronunciation and the ability to correct it in some cases.

By 3-4 years phonemic awareness The child’s performance improves so much that he begins to differentiate first vowels and consonants, then soft and hard, sonorant, hissing and whistling sounds.

By the age of 4, a child should normally differentiate all sounds, i.e. he must have developed phonemic perception. By this time, the child has completed the formation of correct sound pronunciation.

A child of the fifth year of life shows significant progress in mental and speech development. He begins to identify and name the most essential features and qualities of objects, establish the simplest connections and accurately reflect them in speech. His speech becomes more varied, more precise and richer in content. The stability of attention to the speech of others increases, he is able to listen to the answers of adults to the end.

An increase in the active vocabulary (from 2500 to 3000 words by the end of the year) creates the opportunity for the child to construct his statements more fully and express his thoughts more accurately. Five-year-olds use adjectives more frequently than four-year-olds. They use adjectives to denote the characteristics and qualities of objects, reflect temporary m spatial relations: to determine colors, in addition to the main ones, additional ones are called (blue, dark, orange), possessive adjectives begin to appear (fox tail, hare hut). The child increasingly uses adverbs, personal pronouns as subjects, and complex prepositions (from under, about, and others). Collective nouns appear (dishes, clothes, furniture, vegetables, fruits), but the child still uses them very rarely.

At this age, children begin to master monologue speech. In their speech, sentences with homogeneous circumstances appear for the first time. They learn and correctly agree adjectives with other parts of speech in indirect cases.

Children's interest in the sound design of words increases sharply. Listening to the words spoken by adults, the child tries to establish the properties in their sound and often quite successfully selects pairs of words: “Masha is porridge, Misha is Grisha.”

At this age, children are highly attracted to rhyme. Playing with words, some rhyme them, creating their own small two- or four-line lines, sometimes depriving them of any meaning. This desire is natural; it contributes to the development of the child’s speech hearing and develops the ability to select words that sound similar.

As a result of special work on familiarization with the word, the child begins to form the idea that the word has a semantic and sound side. It always denotes some object, phenomenon, quality and consists of sounds, sounds.

Children begin to quite correctly understand the meaning of the terms “word”, “sound” and use them, listen more consciously to words, find similar and different sounds, and highlight certain sounds in them.
In the fifth year of life, sufficient mobility of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus allows the child to carry out more precise movements of the tongue and lips; clear and correct movement and position are necessary for pronouncing complex sounds.

At this age, children's sound pronunciation improves significantly: softened pronunciation of consonants completely disappears, omission of sounds and syllables is rarely observed. By the age of five, most children learn and correctly pronounce hissing sounds, the sounds [l], [ry], [r] and clearly pronounce polysyllabic words, accurately maintaining the syllabic structure in them. They often use stress correctly in words and follow the norms of literary pronunciation of words. Some children still have unstable pronunciation of hissing words - in some words the sound is pronounced correctly, in others - incorrectly, the pronunciation of individual words is unclear, especially polysyllabic and unfamiliar ones. Sometimes they have difficulty pronouncing sounds, especially in those words that are full of certain consonants, for example, whistling and hissing sounds at the same time, the sounds [l] and [r]: old woman, laboratory. This is explained by the fact that children have not consolidated some knowledge or they do not clearly differentiate it by ear and in their own pronunciation. Under the influence of training, such imperfections in sound pronunciation disappear over time.

Instability of pronunciation is typical for this age. Children pronounce sounds either correctly or incorrectly, even in the same word (now and in a minute the same word sounds “seitsas” or “zuzzit beetle”, “golden comb cockerel”). In one sound combination the child already masters the sound, in another he does not yet: “maltsik” - the child immediately says “clock”.

An interesting phenomenon is observed in some children in the second half of preschool age, when they move on to the correct pronunciation of the sounds [w, zh] and sound [r]. The child begins to use these sounds excessively often in necessary and unnecessary cases: “goruboy” (blue), “shad” (garden), “rampa” (lamp), “zhontik” (umbrella), “shobaka” (dog). Usually this replacement is not accidental. The child, as a rule, replaces with a new sound those sounds that themselves were previously substitutes for the child’s missing sound. if instead of r he pronounced l, then now he makes the reverse substitution, not immediately navigating where it is needed and where it is inappropriate (“goruboy”, “horse”).

By the age of five, there is a sharp improvement in the pronunciation side of children’s speech; most of them have completed the process of mastering sound. Speech in general becomes clearer and more distinct. Permutations and uses of sounds and syllables are less common, and abbreviations of words almost disappear. The age-related speech activity of children, they ask adults questions more often. They begin to master monologue speech.

By the end of the fifth year of life, many children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, but some of them still incorrectly pronounce hissing sounds, the sound [r]. Some people experience distorted pronunciation of the sounds [s], [z] (with the tip of the tongue sticking out between the teeth), the sound [p] (not due to vibration of the tip of the tooth, but as a result of trembling of the soft palate or uvula). Such children need special assistance, which in severe cases is provided by a speech therapist.

Thus, phonemic hearing is formed in children very early, starting from the moment the child is born and throughout preschool age. From this we can conclude that the more adults communicate and engage with the child during this period, the less problems he will later have with the development of phonemic hearing and perception, i.e. There will be no problems in further teaching the child to read and write.

3. Games for developing phonemic awareness

When learning the Russian language, the task arises of writing a word that is perceived by ear in letters. To do this, it is necessary that preschoolers be able to master methods of analyzing the sound structure of a word, allowing them to establish the number, sequence of sounds in a word and their phonemic characteristics, and the ability to reflect the sound structure of a word in a graphic model.

To solve this problem, you need to teach children to perceive the phonemic qualities of sound (for example, the hardness or softness of a consonant) and its position in a word.

At the first encounter with the spelling of a word containing phonemes in weak positions, the insufficiency of previously established methods of spelling action is revealed, since in in this case one and the same letter turns out to be a sign of different sounds (cf. the sound meanings of the letter O in the words (table) and (staly)).

First, you also need to explain to the child that a sound and a letter are not the same thing. It is not necessary to tell how and why this happened, it is important to say that people agreed among themselves to write the same words in the same way so that it would be easy for them to understand each other.

So, the child is already clear why he needs to be able to read, write and count, but it is not yet clear how to learn this. You can start with exercises to develop phonemic awareness.

Let's try to imagine how we, adults, learn a foreign language - the most difficult thing is understanding unusual sounds in pronunciation different people. It’s the same with children - they cannot always understand what is constant in words, and what is introduced by the peculiarities of each person’s pronunciation. Therefore, it is very important to teach a child to analyze what he hears and represent it in letters.

At preschool age, the child is quite ready to master the grammatical sequence of the language, learn to recognize sounds both at the beginning and at the end and, most difficult of all, in the middle of a word. Some difficulties arise only in children with speech therapy deficiencies, in which they can confuse different sounds.

Most often, in preschool age, children replace voiced sounds with unvoiced ones (instead of “house” - “tom”), the sound “r” - with “l” and vice versa (instead of “three” - “aphids”, instead of “cow” - “kolova” ) the sound “m” to “n” and vice versa (instead of “fly” - “nuha”), hissing whistling sounds (instead of “great” - “zhorovo”, instead of “here” = “waiting”), etc.

In this case, it is important to focus on special exercises on sound discrimination, some of which are given in this work.

In kindergarten, to develop phonemic hearing in children, it is best to use methods based on play techniques.

Here, for example, is one of the games.

It's called "Unspell the Word."

An adult tells a child a fairy tale about an evil wizard who enchants words in his castle. Enchanted words cannot leave the castle until someone frees them.

To disenchant a word, you need to guess its sound composition in no more than three attempts, that is, name the sounds that it consists of in order. This can only be done at a time when the wizard is not in the castle. If a wizard finds the savior of words in his castle, he will bewitch him too.

After a fabulous introduction, the child is explained what a sound is and how it differs from a letter (this game is played with children who already know the names of letters and their spelling). To do this, he is told that all words sound, and we hear them because they consist of sounds.

For example, the word “mother” consists of the sounds “m-a-m-a” (the word is pronounced in a chant for the child, so that each sound is heard very clearly). When pronouncing the sound “m”, an adult should pay attention to the fact that it is the sound “m” that is being pronounced (which is precisely the phoneme), and not the letter “em”.

When playing this game, adults need to remember that the names of consonant letters do not coincide with how these letters sound in words, that is, with their phonemes. For example, the letter “es” in words sounds like the sound “s”, and the letter “be” in words sounds like the sound “b”, etc.

The difficulty of the words proposed for “disenchantment” should increase gradually. At first they should be offered completely simple words type: “floor”, “cat”, “whale”, “porridge”, etc. All sounds of a word should be pronounced very clearly by adults, and vowels should even be drawn out.

Games can also be used to develop auditory attention and correct speech perception in children 5-6 years old. At this age, children can already pronounce almost all sounds, because their articulation apparatus is already ready to pronounce even the most difficult sounds. But the problem of developing phonemic hearing remains relevant. Games introduce and teach children to listen to the sounds of the surrounding nature, to the sounds of “house”, “street”, listen to the sound of words, establish the presence or absence of a particular sound in a word, differentiate sounds, pronounce one-, two-, three- and four-syllable words, answer questions. The purpose of these games and exercises is to develop auditory attention and phonemic awareness.

1. “Ears are rumors”

Target: consolidate the ability to differentiate sounds, develop auditory attention.
An adult shows wooden, metal spoons, and crystal glasses. Children name these objects. The teacher offers to listen to how these objects sound. Having installed the screen, he reproduces the sound of these objects in turn. Children recognize sounds and name the objects that make them.

2. “Who said “Meow?”
Target: improve the ability to distinguish the voices of domestic animals by ear.
Material: tape recorder, audio recording with the sounds of pets' voices.
An adult turns on an audio recording with the sounds of pets. Children must hear and name which pet has the voice.
The game “Who gives what vote” is played in a similar way. An audio recording with the sounds of forest birds is turned on.

3. “Who is standing at the traffic light?”
Target: develop auditory attention, recognize and name types of transport.
Material: tape recorder and audio recording with street noise.
An adult plays an audio recording with street sounds. Children listen to sounds and name vehicles stopped at a traffic light (car, truck, tractor, motorcycle, cart, tram).

4. “Where is it ringing?”
Target: develop auditory attention, the ability to navigate in space with eyes closed.
Children stand with their eyes closed. An adult with a bell moves silently around the group and rings. Children, without opening their eyes, point their hand in the direction of the sound source.

5. Finger game"Storm"
Target: coordinate the movement with the text, taking into account changes in the dynamics and tempo of the sound.
The adult reads the words of the game, and the children perform movements according to the text.
Drops dripped (tapping on the table with two index fingers).
It's raining (they knock quietly with four fingers of both hands).
It pours like a bucket (they tap loudly with four fingers).
It began to hail (they knock with their finger bones, knocking out fractions).
Thunder rumbles (drum your fists on the table).
Lightning flashes (we draw lightning in the air with our fingers and make the sound sh).
Everyone quickly runs home (clap their hands, hide their hands behind their backs).
In the morning the sun is shining brightly (describe a large circle with both hands).

6. Listen and say the right word.
Target: improve phonemic awareness, learn to name words with a certain sound in the text.
An adult reads a poem or story filled with a certain sound, children must name words that contain a given sound.
A beetle is buzzing in an iron can -
The beetle doesn't want to live in a tin.
The life of a beetle in captivity is bitter.
I feel sorry for the poor beetle.
Hare, hare,
What are you doing?
I'm gnawing it.
Why are you happy, hare?
I'm glad my teeth don't hurt.

7. Jokes for a minute
Target: Improve the ability to distinguish by ear words that sound incorrect. Develop phonemic awareness. Develop a sense of humor
An adult reads lines from poetry to children, replacing the letters in the words. Children find a mistake and correct it.
Tail with patterns,
Boots with curtains.
The cat is swimming on the ocean
A whale eats sour cream from a saucer.
God box, fly to heaven,
Bring us some bread.

8. Quiet - speak loudly.
Target: development of the vocal apparatus and phonemic hearing. Practice pronouncing words and phrases at different speeds and volumes.

Children learn pure speech (taking into account the sound being practiced).
For example, when practicing the sound l, you can use the following phrase: “Mila was sailing in a boat, drinking Coca-Cola.”
Offer to pronounce the speech first in a whisper, then in a quiet voice, and then loudly.

By the age of seven in children speech therapy group There should be almost normal speech development. But some children may still experience underdevelopment of phonemic hearing and sound pronunciation. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that children clearly and correctly pronounce words in isolation, then in phrases and sentences.

Here are several games and exercises that help develop phonemic perception, teach children to do sound analysis: determine the presence of a given sound in words, highlight the first and last sound in words.

1. Name the same sound in words.
Target: develop phonemic awareness, hear and name words with same sound.
An adult pronounces three or four words with a given sound: sled, bone, nose - children must name the same sound (s) that is in these words.

2. Name the first sound in the word.
Target: develop phonemic awareness, learn to determine the place of sound in a word.
An adult shows a toy, for example, a dog, and asks them to determine what sound this word begins with. Then he shows the toys of other pets and asks: “Name the first sound in the word.” Draw children's attention to the fact that sounds must be pronounced clearly.
(The game “Name the last sound in the word” is played in a similar way.)

3. Answer - take your time.
Target: improve phonemic awareness, name words with a certain sound, determine the place of sound in a word, select words in a sentence with the same sound.
Offer several tasks for intelligence, check how children have learned to hear and highlight certain sounds in words.

Think of a word that begins with the last sound of the word palas.
Remember the name of domestic animals, which would have the last sound of the word nose (dog, pig...)
Choose a word so that the first sound is m and the last sound is a (Masha, car, fly...)
What word will you get if you add one sound to the syllable rho? (Mouth, rum, horn...)
Make up a sentence in which all words begin with the sound p (Petya gave Pavlik a pyramid.)
Find in the group objects whose names contain the sound k (pencils, book, pen, cubes...)

4. Correct Dunno's mistakes.
Target: develop phonemic awareness, distinguish by ear words pronounced incorrectly, determine the place of sound in a word, divide words into syllables, come up with simple and complex sentences.
Dunno was visiting his grandmother in the village and this is what he saw there. Listen carefully and correct mistakes.
The scythe jumped over the fence.
Kola produces delicious milk.
The rosh is chewing juicy grass.
The hummock catches the mouse.
The dog is guarding the house.
Now we will find out if you are ready to go to school? We answer the questions:
What is the first (last) sound in the word dog?
Name a pet whose name contains the sound Ш, where is this sound located?
How many syllables are in the word cat (cow)?
Come up with a 2, 3, 4 word sentence about pets.

5. Spider.
Target: consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables, develop phonemic awareness.
An adult reads a poem, and children answer questions.
On an invisible path
Oh, look, cobwebs.
This is a cunning spider
I hung my hammock.
And our spider called
All friends to the hammock
We came to the spider
Moths, grasshoppers,
Bees and bumblebees,
Beautiful butterflies,
Flies and beetles.
We played, we laughed,
And then everyone ran away.
, 2, 3, 4, 5 - I invite everyone again.
Let's check how you can divide words into syllables.
Moth, how many syllables, which is the first, which is the last?
Beetle, how many syllables (one), which syllable is the first, which is the last?
What is the same syllable in the words bees and bumblebees (CI)?
Name insects whose names have 1, 2, 3 syllables.

6. Catch the word.
Adult: all the words crumbled into sounds. I will name the sounds, and you make a word from them: K-O-M-A-R - mosquito, ZH-U-K - beetle, O-S-A - wasp, M-U-H-A - fly, B -A-B-O-C-K-A - butterfly...

7. Scatter the word.
Target: build skills sound analysis and synthesis.
An adult invites the children to divide the words into sounds themselves: porridge - K-A-SH-A, house - D-O-M, paper - B-U-M-A-G-A...
These games, combined with traditional teaching methods and techniques, increase the effectiveness of work on the formation of phonemic hearing. They contribute comprehensive solution correctional tasks: develop communication skills, auditory attention and memory, coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, allow you to freely navigate in space, independently change the strength of your voice, pronounce words quietly - loudly, form a sense of rhythm and timbre hearing, and evoke positive emotions.


An analysis of the works of domestic and foreign specialists devoted to the problem of the development of phonemic hearing in children has shown that currently the problem of the development of phonemic hearing attracts the attention of many specialists.

For preschool children, play activity retains its meaning and role as necessary condition comprehensive development of their personality and intellect.

However, shortcomings in sound pronunciation, insufficiently clear perception of the sound image of words - all this, in varying degrees influences children's play activities. The importance of play as a leading activity for the comprehensive development of preschoolers allows for the widespread use of gaming techniques in the work of a teacher. It also brings the game to the forefront among a variety of methods in teaching preschoolers. Through the use of various games and individual play actions, it is possible to overcome a number of difficulties that arise in working with children on the formation and development of phonemic hearing.

The work of a teacher requires the use of gaming techniques and individual gaming actions to a greater extent than in conventional educational activities. Games are one of the most important means of developing independent speech activity.

At the same time, as an analysis of research shows, some aspects of this problem require additional study; Many works by leading experts are devoted to the problem of using games in the formation of phonemic hearing. They have developed and proposed quite a lot of games and gaming techniques for use. After all, inclusion various types games and gaming techniques, game situations in the learning process contributes to successful work on the development of phonemic hearing in children of senior preschool age. Using the series of games and exercises we have proposed can give effective results in the formation of phonemic awareness in middle preschoolers.

We believe that the information from this work on the development of phonemic hearing in preschool children will help both parents and kindergarten teachers.


Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I. Methods of speech development and teaching the native language of preschoolers: Textbook. village M.: Publishing house. Center Academy, 1998. 448 p.

Arushanova L.G., Rychagova E.S. Games with sounding words // Preschool education. 2008. No. 9. pp. 4-5.

Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergartens. M.: Education, 1999. 160 p.

Borodich A.N. Methods of speech development for preschool children. M.: Professional education, 1984. 202 p.

Varentsova N.S., Kolesnikova E.V. Development of phonemic hearing in preschool children. M.: Academy, 1997. 221 p.

Vygotsky L.S. The game and its role in psychological development child // Questions of psychology. M.: Education, 1966.

Gelfan E.M. Games and exercises for young and old. M.: 1969. 148 p.

Gelfan E.M., Shmakov S.A. From play to self-education. M.: Pedagogika, 1971. 271 p.

Efimenkova L.N. Formation of speech in preschool children. M.: Education, 1981. 112 p.

Zhurova L.E., Elkonin D.B. On the issue of the formation of phonemic perception in preschool children // Sensory education of preschool children / Pod. ed. A.V. Zaporozhets, A.L. Usova. M.: Education, 1963.
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Dyachenko O.M. M.: 1989. 280 p.
Kolesnikova E.V. Development of phonemic hearing in preschool children. M.: Academy, 2002. 190 p.

Maksakov A.I. Is your child speaking correctly? M.: 1983. 240 p.

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Nikitin B.P. Educational games. M.: Pedagogika, 1985. 120 p.

Pozhilenko E.A. A magical world of sounds and words. M.: Vlados, 2001.

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Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children. M.: VLADOS, 1994. 344 p.

Tumakova G.A. Familiarizing a preschooler with a sound word. M.: Education, 1999. 96 p.

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Fomicheva M.F. Parenting correct pronunciation. M.: Education, 1981. 240 p.
What doesn't happen in the world? Entertaining games for children from 3 to 6 years old. / Ed. O.M. Dyachenko, E.L. Agayeva. M.: Education, 1991. 64 p.

Shvaiko G.S. Games and play exercises for speech development. / Ed. V.V. Herbovaya. M.: Education, 1988. 64 p.

Without the ability to listen and understand speech, it is impossible to learn to speak correctly, communicate, or receive the necessary information. Let's talk about phonemic hearing and its disorders in childhood.


- this is the ability to distinguish, analyze and differentiate heard phonemes - this is phonemic hearing. The baby's sound analyzer is turned on immediately after birth.

In this way, acoustic images of individual phonemes are formed. Children can mix and replace them, this is considered the norm until a certain age. By the age of 4, the child should have a good grasp of the technique of pronunciation of most sounds of his native language. The only exception is -. If this does not happen, then we can talk about phonemic hearing impairment. It is important that incorrect pronunciation does not become a habit; the child must learn to control the clarity of speech, listen carefully to others and to himself.

How it manifests itself

Mixing sounds and substitutions provoke dyslalia. Its presence can be determined by the following signs:

  • Violation of sound pronunciation. Substitution of sound, for example, voiced sounds are perceived and pronounced as voiceless, hard sounds as soft.
  • Omitting consonants and vowel phonemes in words, rearranging them, adding extra sounds. For example, sLobodny, instead of svobodny, dereLa instead of tree, etc.
  • Weak differentiation of similar phonemes, their replacement in oral, writing. For example, mixing and replacing s, z, w - rat instead of roof, bough instead of beetle.

Impaired phonemic hearing in children leads to errors in grammar. The most common spelling errors are unstressed vowels, double consonants, and unvoiced words at the end of a word. The student just doesn't hear percussion sound. For him it is similar to an unstressed word, so it is difficult for him to select a test word. At school, such children fail for no reason mental retardation or poorly developed intelligence, but due to impaired phonemic hearing.


The central and peripheral regions are responsible for speech hearing. nervous system. The negative impact on them is the impetus for acoustic dysfunctions. The main causes of the disease can be:

  • Weakening of the body at any age, especially early
  • Infectious diseases
  • Digestive problems

Lack of vitamins minerals leads to lethargy, isolation, apathy. Attention, level of concentration, memory weakens.

  • Thyroid diseases

Hypothyroidism is especially dangerous at an early age, in newborns. Lack of hormones or their abundance have a strong impact on brain processes and mental development.

  • Hyperactivity

It is difficult for the child to concentrate; he does not listen to the conversations of adults or their speech. Captures phonemes fragmentarily and also reproduces them.

  • Hearing loss
  • Injuries to the head, speech and hearing organs
  • Unfavorable social environment
  • Negative example

The parents have obvious, advanced speech defects that were not corrected in childhood.

Regardless of the causes of phonemic hearing impairment, you should contact a speech therapist, laryngologist, or neurologist as early as possible. Only a special examination and identification of the causes of the disease will help make a diagnosis and correct defects in a timely manner.


It is important to conduct phonemic hearing assessments in preschoolers before entering first grade. They are done by a speech therapist, a speech therapist and parents. Diagnostic techniques have been developed G.A. Kashe, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina. Surveys are successfully used in schools, kindergartens, and at the PMC commission.

A specialist working with children uses the following methods to diagnose acoustics and speech defects:

  • Determining the source of sound (non-speech)

The subject is asked to listen to a musical instrument with his eyes closed, and then say what sound it made. Tambourines, rattles, drums, and bells are used.

  • Distinguishing phonemically similar words

Exercise “Attentive ears”.

In front of the subject are pictures depicting objects familiar to him. These are fruits, toys, etc. An adult pronounces a group of words that are phonetically similar to each other, one of them names a drawn object. The subject must pick up the picture when he hears the correct name of the picture.

For example, in the picture there is a pear. An adult slowly pronounces: gruf, glyusya, pear, glusa, etc.

Any raising of a picture without an exact name is considered an error.

Another option for conducting diagnostics using words that sound the same is “Show it yourself.” The preschooler receives pictures depicting objects. For example, hummock - bud - daughter; goat-scythe-vine; puddles-skis, etc. at the request of the teacher, points to the object that was named to him.

  • Syllable differentiation

The ability to distinguish between soft and hard and voiceless and voiced consonants is tested by repeating what is heard.

The teacher says: Cha-cha-cha, mu-mya-ma. The child must repeat a group of syllables.

  • Phoneme differentiation

“Clap your hands”

The preschooler listens to a set of sounds, clapping his hands if he notices the phoneme indicated by the speech therapist.

For example, find M in the sound row.

  • Sound analysis

Surveys are based on identifying individual phonemes in a word. For example, a stressed vowel, the first sound or the last, the number of phonemes before and after the desired sound.

For analysis, words with 3 sounds are offered, if the child is over 5 years old - from 4-5.

  • Phoneme representation and word selection

A more complex study based on phonemic analysis of representations. The subject must name the words with the desired letter, for example, D. Or choose an image in the picture whose name contains 4-5 letters.

Based on the results of diagnosing phonemic hearing impairment, the teacher:

  1. draws up an individual defect correction program;
  2. refers for further medical examination if necessary to identify the causes of the disease.

Using these analysis methods, it is possible to trace the dynamics of the development of acoustic abilities and the effectiveness of corrective measures.


Phonemic hearing impairment in children is treated comprehensively. What to drink or how to exercise, you need to find out from specialists: a neurologist, psychiatrist, speech therapist, speech pathologist. Medical care is provided along with active classes with teachers.

Drug treatment

You cannot teach speech with the help of medications, but their use helps improve the functional state of the brain and blood flow. An increase in brain performance is directly related to an increase in memory capacity and the ability to concentrate. Kids have to work hard, try to remember new things, and monitor their own and other people’s speech. Pills and injections help him in this difficult process.

Most often, a neurologist and speech therapist prescribe:

  • Pantogam

Stimulates the central nervous system, reduces excitability, increases mental performance.

  • Glycine

Relieves emotional stress, aggression, improves sleep.

  • Phenibut

Normalizes metabolism in tissues and blood circulation in the brain. Relieves feelings of fear, anxiety, increases performance.

  • Cortexin

Restores brain function after injury and stress. Improves memory, attention, increases the level of learning.

Simultaneously with taking medications, massage and exercise therapy are prescribed. Parents should also monitor the baby’s nutrition. Add more meat dishes and fruits to your diet. Pay attention to the hemoglobin level.

Consultation for parents on the topic:

“How to develop phonemic awareness

For preschoolers?

The ability to distinguish, analyze and synthesize speech sounds isphonemic awareness. If this ability is not formed, the child does not understand the meaning of what was said, hearing something that is not exactly what was actually said. Later, he continues to confuse sounds that are close in sound when they are reproduced in sound and written in letters, and as a result he feels a little like a foreigner in his native language environment.

We believe that the problems that this can lead to at an older age are quite obvious: these are, first of all, difficulties in learning to read and write (this will especially affect when learning foreign language) and learning problems in general.

Speak? Hear!

This is why the development of phonemic hearing is given such serious importance by both teachers and speech therapists. But often, despite all the efforts of both specialists and parents, no tangible changes occur, and the child cannot distinguish “bear” from “mouse” and “cone” by ear.

In this case, most likely, the reason lies in the fact that the previous - non-speech - stage was not sufficiently developedsound discrimination. It is much more ancient in origin, and it is on it that more complex mental processes are based. Just as you cannot learn to think and speak without learning to perceive, so the formation of speech begins much earlier than the moment when your child utters his very first phrase. First, the ability to distinguish between everyday and natural noises, the voices of people and animals, as well as the ability to correlate the sounds themselves with the type of their sources develops. Equally important is the development of a sense of rhythm.

This is an extremely important stage, and non-speech development must be taken with all seriousness and... frivolity. Paradoxical? Not at all. After all, now, as always, when it comes to teaching children, we will play, and what could be both more serious and frivolous than a game?

Public lesson

Summer is a great time for walks. Whether you are in the city or outside the city, the world around you is filled with sounds, and now each of them is your assistant, your didactic material. The sound of rain and the chirping of birds, the rustling of tires and the creaking of doors, the chirping of grasshoppers, the rustling of leaves, the splash of water - draw the child’s attention to them, discuss what is similar to what and what (and how) is different from what. Start with the most dissimilar sounds and gradually move on to those that sound similar.

Experiment with the world - “look” for sounds in objects. Stomp, rustle, knock, clap - louder and quieter, faster and slower. To cement this in your memory, you can sing along:"Water-water, drip-drip-drip, scissors-scissors, chick-chick"- and so on. Poetry is not the most highly intellectual, but with its help a child can “record” sounds in memory and invent their verbal analogues independently.

Shall we rustle and ring?

Now let's move on to the most interesting part: practice.

Give your child paper and a plastic bag called a “T-shirt” - both rustle, but in completely different ways. How different a glass glass and a faience mug will sound if you tap them with a teaspoon. Children love this game very much and with the enthusiasm of real scientists they begin to try the world “by sound”.

After the child has learned a certain “sound alphabet”, it’s time to play"Guessing game." You can do this at home, blindfolding your child and inviting him to guess what you just rang, knocked, gurgled, and on the street, together “disassembling” the city noise into “spare parts.” Start with a small number of sounds, gradually increasing the number of objects whose voices the child must retain in memory to ten.

Do you think that rattles are exclusively for children in their first year of life? Nothing like this! This ingenious invention of mankind has no equal in the variety of areas of application. And now they will be very useful to us.

Take chocolate egg cartons or any other small plastic containers and fill them with different sounding materials: salt, cereal, sand, buttons, matches - two identical sets - one for yourself, the second for the child. Take one box from yours and shake it, inviting the child to find exactly the same “sound” in his own. The game continues until all pairs have been collected. As you master the game, you can complicate the task - for example, ask your child to find not just one sound, but a specific sequence you set.

The next game is especially loved by children. There is probably at least one bell in your home. Blindfold the child's eyes (it is better not to suggest squinting - the desire to peek is too great) and ring the bell at a distance of 30 centimeters to the right (left-front-behind) of him, inviting him to wave his hand in the direction from which he heard the sound. As an alternative, we can also offer an active version of this game - the famous blind man's buff, when a blindfolded driver must catch a player holding a bell.

Rhythm is everything

As we said above, rhythmic hearing and memory are also very important in non-speech (and therefore speech) development. Fortunately, exercise games for their development also exist.

You can start practicing rhythmic structures with a simple exercise: You tap out a simple rhythm (for example, “Spartak is the champion”: two beats - pause - three beats) and invite the child to repeat after you. It is very important that at first the child sees your hands, this will make it easier for him to cope with the task.

There are many options for performing rhythmic tasks: you can tap a rhythm on the table with each hand separately, with two hands together (knock on the table or clap your hands), with two in turn, or stomp your feet. The child can also do this in turn with an adult, repeating the rhythmic pattern you set, after which you change roles with him.

Learn to listen, hear and reproduce sounds, syllables and words. Invite your child to pronounce a sound, syllable or word, first loudly, then quietly, first drawn out, then abruptly. You can play your favorite fairy tale, alternately speaking for the characters in different ways.

Invite the child to recite the poem while clapping his hands - for each syllable (including prepositions), only for stressed syllables, with a change of hand (or, alternatively, if the rhythm is tapped with the foot, then legs), for each new word.

Record the voices of the child, his friends and family on a tape recorder, listen to the recording together, guessing who is speaking right now. The child must also recognize his own voice. I would like to warn you that this riddle may be the most difficult for him, because the voice “from within” is heard completely differently from how it sounds “from the outside.”

Word games

Speech communication does not require the child to analyze words soundly; however, this skill is necessary for reading and writing. It’s not difficult to master it at all - with the help of certain exercises, even younger preschoolers They very quickly learn to identify the sounds with which the word began and ended. To do this, you just need to highlight with intonation the sound that needs to be identified: “mm-m-milk”, “fruit drink”.Having mastered this, already at the age of five or six the child will be able to name not only the first and last, but all the sounds of a word and subsequently will not make stupid mistakes such as"slan" - "elephant".

There are many exercises that promote the development of phonemic awareness - the child’s ability to determine which sounds are heard in a word, determine their order and quantity.

Say the word

Dressed in a sheepskin coat and felt boots

An old man was going hunting...(grandfather).

Once to the theater for ballet

Dad bought us... (ticket).

He walks with his head up,

Not because he’s an important count,

Not because of a proud disposition,

But because he...(giraffe) .

Whispers in my ear at night

Different fairy tales... (pillow).

A nimble bear walked through the forest,

It fell on him...(cone) .

Don't look for us, mom:

We pinch sorrel for cabbage soup.

Moving the grass in the grove,

We'll pinch... (sorrel)

He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals.

He is famous, famous.

This is Doctor... (Aibolit).

The student learned his lessons,

In his ink...(cheeks) .

A ferret walks through the forest -

Tricky little...(animal).

Catch the sound

Invite your child to go hunting. “Game” will be a certain sound, upon hearing which in the word you pronounce, the child should clap his hands. For example, the sound “s” and the words “crow”, “dog”, “goat”, “sausage”.


You set a sound, and the child, like a magician, must “pull out of the hat” - that is, pronounce - the words where this sound is. As a more complex option, you specify the position where the sound should be - at the beginning, middle or end.

Choose a word

Read the poem, inviting the child to choose from four similar-sounding words the only one that is necessary in meaning:

What did we roll in winter?.. (house, com, gnome, catfish)

What did they build with you?.. (house, com, gnome, catfish)

Did you get hooked in the river?.. (house, com, gnome, catfish)

Maybe everything, even if he’s small?.. (house, com, gnome, catfish).

Traffic light

Give the child two circles - red and green, which he should raise when he hears the correct (green circle) or incorrect (red) pronounced name of what is shown in the picture. Then show the picture and say the sound combinations loudly, slowly, clearly:
















Who's the odd one out?

You pronounce several words that, with the exception of one, are similar in sound composition. The child should hear and name the extra:poppy - tank - tak - shoe, cheese - rubbish - boron - device etc.


You name bead sounds one by one, from which, having collected them in the order they sounded, the child must assemble a word. The reverse process is also very useful: you pronounce a word, and the child, in turn, names the sounds in the sequence in which they appear in this word.

Guess the sound

Make a sound and say three or four words, each of which contains this sound, for example, the sound With : "cheese", "braid", "aspen"- and invite the child to guess what sound you have guessed. Then switch roles.

Sound chains

Everyone played cities, so the rules of the next game will not be difficult for anyone: You and your child take turns naming words, each of which begins with the letter with which the previous one ended. Gradually, the game can and should be complicated by asking the child to name a word that begins with the third letter of the word"cow" .


Your helpers in this game will be a toy train with trailers and small household items, toys, fruit - in a word, anything that can be put in the trailers.

The driver (it can be you, or you can appoint the child’s favorite toy as the driver) says that the first carriage will carry items that begin with a certain letter, for example, “s”. From the items offered to him, the child must choose those that meet this requirement. As in the previous game, you can not limit yourself to only the first letters, offering to load into each subsequent carriage items that begin with the letter with which the words from the previous carriage ended: "napkin" - "orange" - "tumbler" etc.

Jokes - minutes

You can play anytime, anywhere, even during such a favorite activity for all children as reading. When reading poetry to your child, deliberately replace the letters in the words. The child’s task is to hear and correct the mistake.

Indispensable assistants are Tongue Twisters :

In the morning, sitting down on a hillock,

Magpies learn tongue twisters.

Carrrr! Potatoes, cardboard, carriage,


Carrrr! Cornice, caramel, toddler.

Sanya took the sleigh with him up the hill.

Sanya was driving down the hill, and Sanya was riding a sleigh.

How big our family is

Yes funny:

There are two standing at the bench,

Two want to study

Two Stepans at sour cream


Two Dashas at the porridge

They eat,

Two Ulkas in a cradle,

Only Masha is not ours,

Yes, that one is good too.

Thirty-three cars in a row chatter and rattle.

A sofa was floating in the ocean.

And Ivan was lying on it.

It's so nice in the ocean


Lying on the sofa.

Veronica, Veronica,

Make some dumplings.

Varya and Valerik - a pair of dumplings each.

And Tole and Bor

And even more so!

Alik’s bagel is dear,

Alik gave Alla a bagel,

Galya Alika scolded -

And Alla ate the bagel.

Egor walked through the yard

Repairing a fence with an axe.

A little games, a little diligence (first of all, as always, ours, the parents), and your child will not have to feel like a “stranger among his own.” Communicating, both in writing and orally, will be a pleasure for him.

Vdovenko Elena
Consultation for teachers “How to develop phonemic awareness in a preschooler”

Speech is one of the most important mental functions that influences the formation mental processes child and his general development. Speech underlies literacy and all other disciplines. It is the main means of communication between people.

Speech plays a big role in regulating the child’s behavior and activities at all stages of his or her development. The speech of others regulates the child’s behavior and broadens his horizons. Along with other factors, it develops a child's auditory attention, forms phonemic awareness, correct sound pronunciation, gives examples of grammatically formulated phrases, etc. By imitating the speech of others, the child learns the accuracy of expressing his thoughts, feelings, the ability to control his voice, breathing, all intonation means of language, and correct speech behavior.

Anyone who communicates with children knows that even a one-year-old child understands significantly more words than he can pronounce. However, it would be wrong to assume that by the time a child has enough developed phonemic hearing and pronunciation, the process of speech formation is to some extent completed. This process is intense develops throughout preschool and school age.

Auditory the sphere is leading in the sense that thanks to early development of phonemic hearing for the first time for a child to hear learns to distinguish between different phonemic elements, their exact auditory representations, and becomes the regulator of them in his own pronunciation. But for their appearance in the speech of the child himself, except auditory ideas, articulatory skills are also required. These skills are developed later, and with their development, sound elements enter into the child’s own speech.

Development speech function is an extremely complex process in its formation participates: auditory and speech motor analyzers.

The ability to focus on sound is very important feature person. Without it, you cannot learn to listen and understand speech. It is also important to distinguish, analyze and differentiate hearing phonemes(sounds that make up our speech). This skill is called phonemic awareness. Phonemic hearing is the basis for the emergence, development and improvement of a child’s speech. The better formed phonemic awareness, the more perfect the child’s speech.

So, phonemic awareness(Phonemics) – discrimination (analysis and synthesis) sounds (phonemes) parts of speech, which is a necessary basis for understanding the meaning of what is said. When speech sound discrimination is unformed, a person (child) perceives (remembers, repeats, writes) not what he was told, but what he heard. Without full phonemic hearing the child will not master pure sound pronunciation.

Thus, in speech development of preschool children age, great importance is attached to the formation phonemic hearing.

Today we will talk about development of phonemic hearing. How to determine the level of formation child's hearing?

If a child hears the door carefully creaking, distinguishes the approaching rumble of a helicopter from the rumble of an airplane, then everything is in order with his physiological hearing

And now the child has a maracas or tambourine in his hands, and if he does not disturb the rhythmic pattern of the Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field,” he has a delightful musical hearing.

Here's a six year old preschooler decomposes pictures into two without errors stacks: in one - with the first sound [C], in the other - with the sound , - the child has a formed phonemic awareness.

When we take a child to school, we hope that he will study successfully. Children entering first grade are required not only to have developed knowledge, skills and abilities, but also to be able to act mentally, to analyze, synthesize and generalize. The main condition for successfully mastering the Russian language at school is being well-formed phonemic hearing.

The core of most of the difficulties students have when writing is the insufficient development of FS. This manifests itself in specific errors in writing.

Primary phonemic hearing, enough for everyday communication. But to master the skills of reading and writing, it is necessary for children to be able to divide the flow of speech into words, words into their constituent sounds, establish the order of sounds in a word, that is, analyze the sound side of a word, which most children do not know how to do.

Children in this category have full interaction with the outside world violated: speech is formed with a delay, there are deficiencies in sound pronunciation, deviations in the state of the lexical and grammatical language subsystems.

These disorders are based on phonemic hearing. This leads to limited vocabulary, insufficient understanding of semantic meanings and grammatical categories.

Developed phonemic hearing child is an indispensable condition successful learning literacy Therefore, early diagnosis of formation phonemic processes is necessary to overcome it in a timely manner underdevelopment.

Conclusion: Phonemic perception is discrimination hearing speech sounds. Phonemic hearing is the basis for understanding the meaning of what is said. After all, by replacing even one sound in a word, we can get a completely different one. meaning: "goat-braid", "house-tom", "barrel-kidney". And now the goat is mowing the meadow, the scythe is nibbling the grass, and Misha’s car turns into mice on the car.

Parents often complain - my child "porridge in the mouth", he skips or replaces sounds and syllables in words - the culprit of such violations may be undeveloped phonemic hearing.

Formed phonemic perception is the key to clear pronunciation of sounds, the correct syllabic structure of words (even without the ability to pronounce all the sounds, the child retains the structure of the word "painting" - "ti-ti-ta", the basis for the ease of mastering the grammatical structure of the language, the successful development of writing and reading

There are a variety of games and exercises


Development of phonemic hearing is divided into six levels.

The first level is recognition of non-speech sounds.

Discrimination on hearing non-speech sounds is the foundation and basis development of phonemic hearing.

What are we playing with? (music)

To play the game you will need a set of items capable of producing different sounds: bell, tambourine, metronome, rattle, whistle, wooden and metal spoons, etc.

From among the players, a driver is selected, who stands with his back to the players at a distance of 2-3 meters. Multiple players (3-4) at the presenter’s signal, they come closer to him and say “What are we playing with?” start making sounds. The driver must determine what objects make the sounds.

Step - run - stop! (physical training)

Before the game starts, the leading adult playing a musical instrument and the children agree on the nature of the movements that they will perform under music: to a marching song - to walk briskly, to a dance song - to run on your tiptoes, while a pause in the music requires stopping movement and complete immobility.

Count the blows (music, mathematics)

The presenter invites the children to close their eyes and count (to themselves) how many hits of the tambourine they will hear. Having opened their eyes, they need to find and show a card with the corresponding number (or place as many chips on the table as the number of hits were heard) .

Hammers (music)

The presenter invites the children to take turns tapping "with a hammer" (pencil) one or another rhythmic pattern. For each correctly repeated rhythm, the player can receive an incentive chip. The winner is the one who copes with the game task better than others, collecting the most chips

Rhythmic patterns (music, mathematics, literacy)

Before the game starts, the leader explains to the children how they can use signs to record this or that rhythmic pattern. For example, long and short vertical sticks can indicate the volume and number of sound signals (claps, hits on a tambourine, etc.), and horizontal sticks can indicate pauses between series of signals.

The game task is to listen to the rhythmic patterns offered by adults and sketch them.

Reverse task - reproduce (clap, tap) patterned rhythmic pattern.

The second level is distinguishing speech sounds by timbre, strength and pitch.

Fast slow (physical education, music)

Under loud, infrequent hits of the tambourine, children walk, imitating a bear - slowly, on the outside of the foot; under quiet, frequent blows, they run on tiptoe, like mice.

Quiet - loud (physical training)

While the presenter quietly claps his hands, the children walk around the room with a calm step; when loud claps are heard, they stand, frozen, in place.

Who gave the compliment (regime moments)

6-8 children take part in this game. A driver is selected from among them, turning his back to the players and closing his eyes. Participants of the game are mixed (one by one) compliment him For example: "Sasha, you are very smart", "You are the neatest", "You have beautiful hair" etc. The driver must recognize by voice who said it. In the second round of the game, the rule changes - now everyone who gives a compliment must change their voice at least a little.

Third level - distinguish words that sound similar

True False.

An adult shows the child a picture and names the object, replacing the first letter (forota, korota, morota, gate, porota, horota). The child’s task is to clap his hands when he hears the correct pronunciation.

Say the word.

An adult reads a poem, and a child finishes it the last word, which fits the meaning and rhyme:

There's not a bird on the branch -

Small animal

The fur is warm, like a hot water bottle.

His name is. (squirrel).

Don't be afraid - it's a goose

I him myself. (I'm afraid).

I'm always dirty

Helps out. (water).

The ox is afraid to enter the house:

It will bend under me. (floor).

The little siskin whistled:

Ew, whew, whew!

I am dewdrops in the morning. (I drink)

Jokes are nonsense.

Exercise: The presenter reads a poem, deliberately making mistakes in words. Name the words correctly.

1. Having dropped the doll from your hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

Green onions are crawling there

With a long mustache (bug).

2. The hunter shouted: "Oh!

The doors are chasing me!” (animals).

3. Hey, don't stand too close.

I'm a tiger cub, not a bowl (pussy).

4. Mom went with the barrels

On the road along the village (daughters).

5. In front of the kids

Rat being painted by painters (roof).

6. To have lunch, Alyoshka took

In the right hand to the left leg (spoon).

7. The schoolboy finished the line

And put the barrel (dot).

8. I’m sitting by the stove with a fishing rod

I can't take my eyes off the fish (river).

9. Russian beauty

Famous for his goat (oblique).

10. A baleen whale sits on the stove,

Choosing a warm place (cat).

By the fourth stage, the child is already prepared to learn to distinguish syllables

The fourth level is syllable discrimination.

Let's clap.

The adult explains to the child that there are short and long words. He pronounces them, separating the syllables intonationally. Together with the child he pronounces words (pa-pa, lo-pa-ta, ba-le-ri-na, clapping the syllables. A more difficult option is to invite the child to clap the number of syllables in the word on his own. (If the child finds it difficult to count the syllables, you can offer him put your hand to your chin)

What's extra?

An adult pronounces a series of syllables "pa-pa-pa-ba-pa", "fa-fa-wa-fa-fa"... The child should clap when he hears an extra one (another) syllable.

Pure talk.

The adult begins, and the baby finishes the last syllable.

Ba-bo-ba - there are two tables by the road. (bah).

Za-zu-za - go home, ko. (behind).

Ti-di-ti - to the moon le. (ti).

De-de-te - let's sit in the dark. (those).

Lu-lu-lu - I like green onions. (liu).

Fe-ve-fe - I’ll sit on the so. (fe).

Gradually during this period the child should master the ability to distinguish between all sounds: whistling and hissing, voiced and dull, hard and soft.

The fifth level is the discrimination of sounds.

At this stage, the child learns to distinguish phonemes(sounds of native language). You must start with distinguishing vowel sounds.

Guess what.

1. The baby has pictures of a wolf, a baby, a bird. Adult explains: "Wolf howls: oooh", "Baby crying: a-a-a", "Bird sings: and-and-and." We ask the child to raise the picture that corresponds to the sound pronounced by the adults.

2. Explain to the child that words are made up of sounds. Play sounds. The mosquito says - zzzz, the wind blows - ssss, the beetle buzzes - zzzzz, the tiger growls - rrrrr...

The adult makes a sound and the child guesses who (What) it is published and vice versa.

The sound got lost.

Read a poem to your child in which the last word rhymes but does not correspond general sense. The kid must correct it and complete the sentence with a more suitable word, determining which letter was missing.

It's dark for us. We ask dad

We should turn it up brighter. pu (lamp).

They entered the arena. games (tigers,

We all became silent out of fear.

The old man is digging the ground (mole,

He lives underground.

The sixth level is mastering the skills of analysis and synthesis.

At the final stage in the system development of phonemic hearing We teach the child to divide words into syllables, determine the number of syllables in a word, and be able to “clap” and “tap” the rhythmic pattern of two- and three-syllable words. Then we proceed to the analysis of consonant sounds. We start by teaching how to highlight the last consonant sound in a word,

Not a river, but they live here

Various fish.

The house is glass.

Light. Cosiness.

And there is food - crumbs. (Aquarium)

He sighs very heavily.

So the poor thing got fat,

What green vest

I had a hard time putting it on myself. (Watermelon)

We will find cities and seas,

Mountains, parts of the world.

Fits on it

The whole planet. (Globe)

Children, mothers, fathers

They only wear hats. (Mushrooms)

If he gets scared, he runs

If he stops, he will tremble.


It grows in the ground

Known throughout the world.

Often on the table

Shows off in his uniform. (potato)

He doesn't like daylight

Lives underground

Digs the earth, digs, digs

Every day he builds a subway. (Mole)

Pointy and black

Grain is thrown into the ground.

And now above this place

The circle of the sun and two hundred grains. (Sunflower)

What kind of cloud is a trap?:

The whole village disappeared in it. (Fog)

He looks tiny, but he’s strong,

Too mischievous

As soon as he was born, he

Domishko broke his. (Chick)

What can I say about her? Coward.

He tries to live quietly.

Bone secure lid

She has been hiding since childhood. (Turtle)

Guess the word. (literacy training)

(- weave, - golka, - rbuz, - kameika, avtobu -, - aduga, - araban). Pronounce combinations of sounds clearly, maintaining the emphasis. Children pick up the corresponding symbols (red or blue) and pronounce each word in its entirety, naming the first sound and the corresponding letter.

How many dots - so many sounds (mathematics, literacy)

The game requires a cube with a different number of dots on its faces. (two, three, four, five, six, zero). Children take turns throwing the cube and calling out words whose number of sounds is equal to the number of dots on the top face of the cube. If a zero is rolled, the player skips his turn and passes the die to the next player. For each incorrect answer, the player pays a forfeit.

Silent (mathematics, literacy, awareness of the environment)

Cards with numbers 1, 2, 3 for each child. Before the start of the game, an assistant presenter is selected from among the participants - "observer". Then the teacher calls the word, and the children raise a card with a number corresponding to the number of sounds in this word. (The choice of words can be either arbitrary or thematic.)

Flower shop (mathematics, awareness of the environment, literacy)

Game material - postcards with images of flowers, which are displayed on a typesetting canvas. This "flower shop", and the colored chips in the children’s hands are "money". The teacher explains that everyone can buy flowers for themselves, they just need to pay the seller correctly (his role is played by himself teacher or one of the children, i.e. give so many chips for each flower "coins", how many syllables are in the word - the name of the flower. You need to buy flowers one by one.

The one who succeeds wins "buy" greatest number of flowers.

Shop (familiarization with the environment, literacy training)

Games for highlighting sound on word background.

Exercise: Dunno went to the store to buy fruit, came to the store, and forgot the name of the fruit. Help Dunno buy fruits whose names contain the sound [l’]. Objects are displayed on the typesetting canvas Pictures: apples, oranges, pears, tangerines, plums, lemons, grapes. Children select pictures whose names contain the sound [l’].

Everyone has their place

Each player has a set of subject pictures and three cards, divided into three squares. On the first card the first square is shaded, on the second - the second, on the third - the third.

Teacher invites players to sort the pictures, placing them under one or another card depending on the location of a given sound in a word (at the beginning, middle or end). The first one to place all the pictures correctly wins.

Conclusion: This six-step system speech hearing development a child has a kind of foundation for good diction. Build this foundation together with your children, learn to listen and hear - then speaking will become easy and pleasant!

Paying attention development of phonemic hearing You will make it easier for your child to master correct sound pronunciation, and later reading and writing. A simple system of games will allow you to independently and productively help your child master their native language, avoid possible difficulties and prevent the occurrence of speech disorders. If there is already a violation, then development of phonemic hearing will be the first step towards overcoming it.